Matt Peck and Hailey McCormick, graduate researchers in the Department of Counselor Education, were awarded 3rd place by the Idaho Counseling Association for their research, “Gender Differences in Defending Behavior among Elementary School Students Trained in a Bullying Bystander Intervention”.
Peck and McCormick will present their research and be recognized at the Idaho Counseling Association conference in January.
Their research examined the role of gender in children who were utilizing defending behavior they learned in the STAC anti-bullying training program developed by Aida Midgett and Diana Doumas, both professors in counselor education. Doumas and Midgett also served as faculty mentors on the student-led research project.
Peck and McCormick’s research adds to the body of knowledge being collected and reviewed about the STAC intervention program so schools can continue to deploy effective anti-bullying strategies for students in Idaho and beyond.
Peck is pursuing a Ph.D in Counselor Education and Supervision, and McCormick is pursuing a MA in Counseling. Learn more about programs in counselor education at Boise State.