Boise State teacher candidates participated in practice interviews with local school administrators at the Student Union Building on April 2nd. The seminar provided candidates with real-world interview experience and advice from future employers.
Teacher candidates on track to graduate next month received advice from future employers about the application, hiring and interviewing processes. The candidates provided administrators with their prepared education resumes, and engaged in multiple rounds of group interviews with principals and district officials.
Boise State’s teacher education programs thank the following building administrators and district personnel for volunteering their time to support our teacher education candidates:
Administrator Panel
- Gale Zickefoose, Shadow Hills Elementary, Boise School District
- Chris Taylor, Boise School District
- Teri Thaemert, Boise School District
- Tim Lowe, Taft Elementary, Boise School District
- Lyle Bayley, Castleford School District
- Micah Doramus, Sage International, Charter
- Jennifer Monserat, Silver Trail Elementary, Kuna School District
- Matt Crist, East Valley Middle School, Nampa School District
- Diana Molino, Nampa High School, Nampa School District
- Stefanie Duby, West Middle School, Nampa School District
- Bob Gwyn, Ridgevue High School, Vallivue School District
- Jen Logan, Lake Hazel Elementary, West Ada School District
- Mike Hirano, Rocky Mountain High School, West Ada School District
- Bret Heller, Victory Middle School, West Ada School District
- Jennifer Fletcher, West Ada School District