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Boise State Teacher Candidates Prepare for Employment

Fall 2016 Mock interviews, Boise State

Boise State teacher candidates participated in mock interviews with local principals at the Student Union Building on November 7th.

Student teachers on track to graduate next month received advice from future employers about the application, hiring and interviewing processes. The student teachers then engaged in multiple rounds of group interviews with principals and district officials.

“It is always refreshing for me to meet new and excited people who will be soon entering our profession of education” said Darryl Gerber, Garfield Elementary principal. “I probably get back more from them then I am able to provide!”

Boise State College of Education thanks the following principals and districts for volunteering their time:

Principal Panel

  • Darryl Gerber, Garfield Elementary; Boise
  • Mark Jones, Adams Elementary; Boise
  • Jennifer Logan, Lake Hazel Elementary; West Ada
  • Joan Bigelow, Jefferson Elementary; Boise
  • Sharlea Watkins, Middleton Middle School; Middleton
  • Stefanie Duby, West Middle School; Nampa
  • Sandy Winters, Capital High School; Boise
  • Micah Doramus, Sage International School
  • Teri Thaemert, Boise School District
  • Anita Wilson, Caldwell High School; Caldwell
  • Peg Sharkey, Parma High School; Parma
  • Mike Hirano, Rocky Mountain High School; West Ada
  • Jennifer Fletcher, West Ada School District
  • Jeff Roberts, North Junior High School; Boise
  • Gale Zickefoose, Shadow Hills Elementary; Boise
  • Tammy Burks, Cynthia Mann Elementary; Boise
  • Matthew Crist, East Valley Middle School; Nampa

For more pictures, visit the Boise State College of Education Facebook page.