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2015-2016 Pesky Award for Inspirational Teaching (PAIT) Nominations Now Available


Nominations for the 2015-2016 Pesky Award for Inspirational Teaching (PAIT) are now available. The award recognizes four distinguished K-12 teachers who have made a difference in the lives of their former students. Teacher candidates in the graduating class of 2015 or spring 2016 may nominate a teacher who has inspired them. Nominations are due by October 30, 2015.

The PAIT is the only award known of its kind that recognizes K-12 teachers for the inspirational work they do. Alan and Wendy Pesky, founders of the Lee Pesky Learning Center, created the award in conjunction with the College of Education.

Honored teachers will each receive $2000, with an additional $500 for his/her school.

Students whose nominations are selected will receive a $75 award.

Awards will be given by President Bob Kustra at the 2015 Winter Commencement.

A special luncheon for the nominating teacher candidate, the honored teacher, and their guests will be held immediately after the graduation ceremony. Travel costs for honored teachers to attend the events will generously be provided for by Alan and Wendy Pesky.