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Support for Faculty Parents, Ages 3-5

Fine Motor

Name of Activity Activity Link Notes
Threading Activity No link, but easy to set up. String, yarn, pipe cleaners, dried pasta, anything kids can use to thread through different items. And then use cheerios, pretzels, beads to thread.
Gak and Playdough Living Well Mom

PreK Pages

Gak and playdough is fairly easy to make, and then can be played with in so many ways- cut it, cookie cutters and rolling pins, incorporate plastic toys, play kitchen, etc.
11 Preschool Fine Motor Activities Fun Learning for Kids A majority of these are things you could try to have your child/children do while you are trying to teach
Montessori Fine Motor Activities Montessori Nature At home fine motor activities that are Montessori inspired


Name of Activity Activity Link Notes
Gardening Information UF Seeds This website offers information on starting a garden and what to grow.
Microgreens Guide for Children Kids Gardening – Microgreens Microgreens are very low maintenance and easy to grow. This guide offers step by step instructions.
Easy Parent and Kid Activities Kids Gardening – Parent / Kid Activities Easy projects for kiddos!
Gardening Lessons Kids Gardening – Lesson Plans More extensive guide for Gardening Lessons – all ages
Nature Play at Home (book) Link to book This is a great book with many nature/outside activities in it to do with kids- big section on gardening activities.

Mental Health

Name of Activity Activity Link Notes
Supporting Kids During COVID-19 article ChildMind This article gives ideas on how to support your child emotionally during this crisis.
Social Emotional Activities We are Teachers Great ideas for projects
Emotional Intelligence Worksheets ONG
App for Emotional Regulation Link to app Free app on the apple store, amazon, and android store
Self regulation and emotional wellness ideas Pinterest Pinterest ideas
Developmental information on emotional intelligence and how to promote Raising Children
Headspace for Kids app Headspace Great app for meditation. They have adults meditations and a kid’s section!
Guided Meditations for Kids Chopra

Parent Resources

Name of Activity Activity Link Notes
Boulder Learning SchoolOnline Learning Database Boulder Learning School Boulder Learning School has created a database of different at home activities and allows you to search by category.
Online Resources for All Ages We are Teachers You can search online resources by ages/grades
Supporting Kids During The Coronavirus Crisis Childmind Tips for nurturing and protecting children at home

While You’re Working/Teaching From Home…

Name of Activity Activity Link Notes
PBS Kids PBS Kids Interactive videos and games for preschool age kids. You can also download the app for this.
Interactive Games and Videos for Kids- Animals YouTube – Animals This YouTube playlist has quite a list of different interactive videos and games, like movement and brain breaks and animal sounds.
50 Activities for Kids To Do While Your Work From Home Mom Trovert List of at home activities. Good for all ages.
42 Easy Activities To Keep Kids Busy Active for Life List of activities to try and keep kids busy while you’re working.
Vooks- Storybooks Brought to Life Vooks “A kid-safe, ad-free streaming library of read-aloud animated storybooks.”
(You can get one month free)
Audio Books Scholastic The website lists 4 websites with access to audio books for children of all ages
Independent Sensory Activities No Time for Flaschcards Different sensory play ideas.
15 Preschool Independent Play Ideas Bounce Back Parenting List of at home activities preschool age children could do independently.
Kids Learning Videos YouTube – Kids Learning Videos Songs, rhymes, animated videos for preschoolers and toddlers. Videos revolve around animals, singing and dancing.

Yoga / Music & Movement

Name of Activity Activity Link Notes
Cosmic Kids Yoga YouTube – Cosmic Kids Yoga Cosmic Kid Yoga channel on YoutUbe has tons of great themed yoga videos. There is also an app available for devices- Cosmic Kids. Great for all ages.
Little Yoga Clock and The Goldfish Song YouTube – Little Yoga Clock


Videos the Boulder Learning School produced.
The Learning Station YouTube – Learning Station These are preschool favorites! Lots of popular kids songs and nursery rhymes to sing and dance along to.
Heavy Work Activities YouTube – Heavy Work Activities These can be adapted for toddlers all the way to older age children.
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