Teacher Education Application Information
Before students can take upper-division education coursework, they must first apply to Teacher Education and be admitted. Applications are accepted twice per year and students must meet the required admission criteria to be considered.
- Admission for Fall semester: Applications are due on the first Friday in February.
- Admission for Spring semester: Applications are due on the third Friday in September.
Please find detailed instructions for the application and interview processes in the sections below. Click on the right hand menu to jump to each section.
Application Information
How to Apply to Teacher Education
How to Apply to Teacher Education
All application materials are submitted through a platform called Taskstream. Do not pay for a Taskstream account. Students eligible to apply will be given information on creating a Taskstream account after submitting an eligibility survey and completing a short required Canvas course: Teacher Education Application CHeckpoint (TEACH).
The eligibility survey will be made readily available when applications open twice per year. See the requirements to apply to Teacher Education in the following section. Â Â
Students will be given access to the required Canvas course, Teacher Education Application CHeckpoint (TEACH), after they complete the eligibility survey and are determined to be ready to apply. The TEACH Canvas course will provide students with more detailed information regarding each step of the application process, as well as support resources.
To be considered ready to apply to Teacher Education, you must meet the following requirements:
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0, and:
- Education course GPA 3.0 or higher.
- Content area course GPA of 3.0 or higher (if applicable).
- Endorsement area GPA of 3.0 or higher (if applicable).
- All lower division Education courses completed or in progress with a grade of C or better.
- All University Foundations courses completed or in progress (or be core certified).
If you do not believe you have met all of these requirements, you are welcome to still submit the eligibility survey, made available at the top of this page when applications are open. An advisor will check your progress and be in touch after you submit the survey.Â
The following materials are required for the Teacher Education application. Some materials will be submitted electronically through Taskstream, and additional items will be required within Taskstream:Â
- Application to Teacher Education form.
- Application questions – approximately 1 page addressing the following questions:
- What knowledge, skills, and dispositions have you obtained in your college experience so far that makes you a strong candidate for the program?
- How do you envision your future self as a learner, educator, and citizen?
- What do you still need to learn to achieve your future goals?
- Written case study response: Details will be provided in Taskstream.
- Adjudication form (completed via the application form).
- Application fee of $50.
If you meet all admission requirements, you will be invited to participate in a structured interview with members of the Teacher Education Program Admissions Committee. You will be contacted via email to set up your interview date/time. Following the interview, you will be notified of the Committee’s decision through a letter posted on Taskstream. More information regarding the interview process can be found in the following section.
If you have any questions about the teacher education application process, please contact Maurissa Smith at (208) 426-2708 or maurissasmith@boisestate.edu.
Teacher Education Interview Information
Teacher Education Interview Information
*Please note that the interview process varies for Secondary Education programs. Contact your program coordinator for more information.
The Teacher Education interview for all Elementary Education programs will consist of two parts: 1) Presentation of a prepared statement, and 2) Responding to committee questions.
A typed outline of your prepared statement must be uploaded to Taskstream AT LEAST 24 HOURS prior to your scheduled interview. (Do NOT submit a Google Doc link).
Your outline should not be your entire prepared statement typed out. Click here to view an example of an ideal outline structure. While your outline does not require cited sources, it would be beneficial to include examples for each question.
Your clear and concise prepared statement is limited to EIGHT MINUTES and must address the following questions:
- Why do you want to teach?
- What goals should a good educator attempt to accomplish with students?
- Which areas of professional skills development do you identify as your strengths and which need more work?
- What are your future professional goals?
Following your statement presentation, the committee will discuss with you the areas they feel will be most helpful to your professional development. This may involve, but is not limited to, asking questions related to your presentation. The interview is designed to offer you the opportunity to:
- Reflect seriously on the profession of teaching.
- Organize and express your thoughts into a personal goal statement.
- Exhibit professional behavior and temperament.
- Examine indicators for your future success as an educator.
- Be sure to practice your oral statement so you cover everything you hope to within the time allotted. Clarity and organization are key to a successful presentation. Feel free to discuss any aspect of the interview process with your advisor prior to your interview.
The following information will be evaluated during the Teacher Education interview for ALL programs (including Secondary):
Presentation Skills
- Content: Addressed topics assigned; discusses philosophy and reasons for teaching: Thoughtful statement with attention to issues of personal and professional value.
- Quality: Prepared; properly paced; compelling speaker and insightful communicator; responsive to interview committee questions/comments.
- Progress in program of study to date: GPA; required coursework; adjudication.
- Case Study Response: Demonstrates creativity and critical thinking; organized; connects to self, others, and practice; genuine and purposeful response.
- Character: Exhibits self-awareness, balance, and humility.
- Care: Exhibits receptivity, connectivity, and inclusivity.
- Pedagogical Stance: Exhibits educator identity, adaptability, and capacity for change.
- Professional Commitment: Exhibits advocacy, professionalism, and dedication.
If you have any questions about the Teacher Education application process, please contact your advisor or Maurissa Smith at maurissasmith@boisestate.edu.