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Add an Endorsement

If you already have teaching certification and would like to add an endorsement in a particular area, Boise State offers a variety of classes to help meet the content area requirements.

Review the “Programs that Lead to Endorsement” table below, or visit the “Adding an Endorsement in Idaho” page.

Type of TeacherWhat Type of Classroom Would I Teach? Program NameIdaho Endorsement
LiteracyCurrent teachers who want to enhance their literacy teaching. Graduate Certificate in Literacy InstructionLiteracy Endorsement
Online Teacher In-service teachers who are currently teaching online in a virtual school setting.K-12 Online Teaching Endorsement K-12 Online Teaching Endorsement

Completion of the coursework listed in the teaching endorsement box does not meet all requirements to earn and Idaho teaching credential. Individuals seeking state certification must complete specific education coursework, instructional methods, required Praxis exams, and supervised clinical fieldwork. If you would like to add an endorsement, please complete the form at the link below for a full transcript review and educational plan.

Adding an Endorsement in Idaho