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Teaching Opportunities

Review this page for details about teaching opportunities within the Educational Technology program.

Teaching Opportunities

I. Acquiring an Adjunct Teaching Position

Adjunct Positions

Most of the courses in the Educational Technology Program are offered online. Therefore, nearly all of our adjunct positions involve teaching online courses. It is possible to teach for us even if you live at a distance from campus. We are always looking for excellent candidates to add to our adjunct teaching pool.

Teach Undergraduate Courses

Each semester we offer several section of the undergraduate course, EDTECH 202: Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age. This course was designed to promote development of skills and strategies for integrating technology tools in the classroom. Excellent knowledge of educational technology is essential for teaching this course.

Teach Graduate Courses

Qualifications to teach graduate courses include an Ed.D. or Ph.D. in Educational Technology or related field, and experience teaching online and/or designing online curriculum. Evidence of successful teaching (e.g., course evaluations) is required. The pay range depends on level of experience.

If you are interested in teaching for the Department of Educational Technology, you should submit a letter of application and vita to Dr. Chareen Snelson ( Within the letter of application, list the classes you are qualified to teach along with the specific experiences and/or education supporting why you are qualified to teach each course. Also include in your letter of application a list of at least three references. Examples of teaching materials you have created and recent course evaluations may also be submitted.
If there is an opening and you are considered qualified to teach the course, the adjunct coordinator will request an interview and a copy of your transcripts. After the interview and internal review of application materials you may be offered an adjunct position and be expected to complete the required paperwork as soon as possible. Please note that hiring is contingent on several factors including a background check, confirmation of degree, references, fit, and department needs.

The adjunct coordinator assists all adjunct faculty throughout the hiring and orientation process as well as during the academic semester. Any questions about instruction and instructional materials, Boise State University and Department of Educational Technology policies, and student concerns should be directed to the adjunct coordinator.

II. Getting Oriented

A. Paperwork

I-9 Form

Adjuncts who reside locally will go to Human Resources on the Boise State campus to complete the necessary paperwork. For those at a distance, the department administrative assistant will send an I-9 Form. It’s crucial that the form is returned quickly. It is the necessary step to receiving an employee identification number and receiving a letter of appointment (LOA).

Letter of Appointment

Once adjuncts receive an employee identification number, a letter of appointment is issued stipulating the conditions of employment including the salary for the semester. These are sent by the department administrative assistant with instructions to sign and return it to the department within five (5) business days.

B. Faculty Vitae and Photo

Adjuncts must email the adjunct coordinator a vitae and a photo. A link to the vitae, pertinent academic information, current email address, and photo will be displayed on the Faculty and Staff department webpage.

C. Boise State University Adjunct Faculty Information

After completing the required paperwork and emailing an updated vitae and photo, new adjuncts are expected to meet online with the adjunct coordinator for training and orientation. The following resources should be reviewed as part of the orientation process.

III. Using myBoiseState

A. Guide to myBoiseState

Adjuncts can log into myBoiseState once they receive an employee ID. To access myBoiseState:

  1. Go to
  2. Type in your username and password/passphrase. If you need assistance call the Help Desk at (208) 426-4357 or email
    The myBoiseState Help site provides information on accessing and using myBoiseState features. Once the letter of appointment is processed, you should have access to your course(s) and course information including class rosters and grades. To access these items after logging into myBoiseState click the Campus Solutions (PeopleSoft) link and then click on the Faculty Center button (If you do not have access to the Faculty Center, contact the Help Desk at (208) 426-4357 ).
    3. Payroll and personal information can be accessed from the HR System that is linked to the Services box within myBoiseState.

B. Faculty Email Accounts

Adjunct faculty are given an email account that can be accessed after logging into myBoiseState username and password/passphrase will be tied to this account. Boise State uses Gmail and Google Apps.

IV. Getting Started with Canvas and the Semester

1. Getting Started with Canvas

Canvas is the Learning Management System (LMS) used in the Department of Educational Technology. For more information visit: OIT: Canvas.

2. Textbook Requisitions and Student Textbook Purchases

Adjunct faculty are responsible for completing a textbook requisition form for each course they teach at the Boise State Bookstore to provide textbook information for each course they teach. Textbook information is submitted through the online form located here: Boise State Books: Faculty

Faculty textbook order due dates are as follows: Spring: October 15, Summer: March 15, Fall: April 15. Faculty should consider sending out textbook information to students prior to the start of class. Students may be prompted to order their book and use expedited shipping. Do realize that late registering students will not have that information early and structure the first week’s activities with that in mind.

3. Contacting Students and Making Your Class Available

The policy in the Department of Educational Technology requires that all instructors contact their students by email no later than the Friday prior to the first day of classes for the semester. The pre-semester email should welcome students, provide pertinent information, and offer instructions for locating the course. The course site should be available by the start of the academic term.

V. Instructional Materials

A. Syllabus

In creating the syllabus for each course, each instructor uses the department syllabus template. The adjunct coordinator is available to answer questions concerning the syllabus and assist with aligning course content to program standards.

B. Course Assistance/Feedback

The adjunct coordinator may access and review adjunct course sites upon request or if deemed necessary to more readily provide assistance and feedback.

VI. Course Evaluations

A. Online Evaluation Form

Boise State University uses an online system to conduct course evaluations. Near the end of the semester students are emailed with the link to the evaluation system and instructions located here: Course Evaluations.

Shortly after the semester you will be sent a link to the evaluation results.

B. Course Evaluation Information

The adjunct coordinator will review course evaluations and follow up with instructors.

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