Initial Placement Rates by Totals
The “grand total of completers” is the number of students who completed a teacher preparation program for initial certification.The “count of completers who chose to certify after program completion” is the number of completers, and the “certification rate (count of completers who chose to certify/grand total)” is the percentage of completers who submitted an application for institutional recommendation to the associate dean for teacher education. Once the institutional recommendation for certification is signed by the associate dean, the completer’s application is forwarded to the Idaho State Department of Education for teacher licensure. These report the number of completers who applied for certification. It does not differentiate who went on to accept teaching positions.
The “placement rate excluding those choosing not to certify from grand total (placement count/grand total-not certified)” is the percentage of certified completers who were verified to be in teaching positions in the following year of completion (e.g., a 2017-2018 completer who can be verified in a teaching position in 2018-2019).
Note: The “placement rate” is calculated simply by dividing the number of completers who are teaching by the number of completers who completed certification. Some completers who certified went on as graduate students, chose not to work in education, or it was not possible to locate any information; these are still included in the denominator of the placement rate calculation.
Rates of Placement Areas
Percentage (and counts) of placement areas for completers who accepted teaching positions in Idaho, out of Idaho, and out of the United States.Rates of Placement in Idaho
Percentage (and counts) of placement areas for completers who accepted teaching positions in Idaho.
Rates of Placement in Idaho’s Region 3
Rates (and counts) of placement areas for completers who accepted teaching positions in Idaho’s Region 3.Initial Completers by Title II Subject Areas
This table includes the number of initial completers by Title II-defined subject areas for both the traditional and alternative report cards. These subject areas are aligned with Idaho IDAPA categories to best identify the number of completers by Idaho licensure areas.Note: Some completers earned more than one licensure so the total count exceeds the completer totals