Boise State measures the degree to which employers are satisfied with our programs to prepare education professionals to work with P-12 students. The feedback from the employers of our completers helps inform ongoing improvements to our initial certification and advanced educator preparation programs.
The 2023 Employer Survey was shared with employers of our 2020-2021 graduates. The survey includes 16 questions that are aligned with the four Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) areas. The results have been collapsed into these four InTASC areas: The Learner and Learning, Content and Pedagogical Knowledge, Instructional Practice and Professional Responsibility. The survey items are evaluated on the Danielson Framework for Teaching (FFT) scale: Distinguished, Proficient, Basic and Unsatisfactory.
Results from the 2023 Employer Survey indicate employers evaluate the majority of our completers as “Proficient” or “Distinguished” in the four InTASC areas.
2023 Employer Survey of Initial Completers from 2020-2021, InTASC Categories
This table reports the percentage of responses on the 2023 Employer survey grouped by InTASC categories.