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Boise State Educator Preparation Programs that Lead to Licensure

student talks with professor at event

The Boise State Educator Preparation unit includes initial and advanced level programs that lead to licensure through the Idaho State Department of Education. 

Which programs lead to Licensure?

Boise State Educator Preparation Programs that Lead to Licensure

*Programs align with the 2024-2025 undergraduate and graduate catalog listings.
Program NameProgram LevelDegree LevelIdaho Licensure
*Master of Arts in Counseling (*CACREP)Advanced Master’sSchool Counseling
Master of Arts in Education, LiteracyAdvanced Master’sLiteracy (K-12) (added as endorsement)
Master of Education in Educational LeadershipAdvanced Master’sAdministrator certificate, school principal endorsement
Art Education, K-12 or 6-12Initial BaccalaureateArt Education, K-12 or 6-12
Biology – Secondary Education EmphasisInitial BaccalaureateBiological Science (6-12)
Chemistry – Secondary Education EmphasisInitial BaccalaureateChemistry (6-12)
Computer Science- Secondary Education EmphasisInitial BaccalaureateComputer Science (6-12)
Dual Special Education, Elementary Education CertificationInitial BaccalaureateExceptional Child Generalist (K-12) and All Subjects (K-8) (i.e., elementary education)
History/Social StudiesInitial 20 credit endorsement added to History or GovernmentEconomics (6-12)
SociologyInitial20 credit endorsement added to History or GovernmentSociology (6-12)
Elementary EducationInitial BaccalaureateAll Subjects (K-8)
Elementary Education TESOL/ENLInitial BaccalaureateAll Subjects (K-8) (i.e., elementary education) and English as a Second Language (ESL) (K-12)
Engineering- Secondary Education EmphasisInitial BaccalaureateEngineering (6-12)
English TeachingInitial BaccalaureateEnglish (6-12)
French, Secondary EducationInitial BaccalaureateWorld Language (6-12) French
Geosciences – Secondary Education Emphasis / Earth Science Teaching Endorsement MinorInitial BaccalaureateEarth and Space Science (6-12)
German, Secondary EducationInitial BaccalaureateWorld Language (6-12) German
Master in Teaching – Secondary/K-12 TeachingInitial Master’s Licensure varies based on secondary content area emphasis
Health Teaching EndorsementInitial Endorsement onlyHealth Endorsement (grade varies based on certification)
History, Secondary EducationInitial BaccalaureateHistory (6-12)
Master in Teaching in Special EducationInitial Master’sExceptional Child Generalist (K-12)
Mathematics – Secondary Education EmphasisInitial BaccalaureateMathematics (6-12)
Music EducationInitial BaccalaureateMusic (K-12)
Physical Education, K-12Initial BaccalaureatePhysical Education (K-12)
Physics – Secondary Education EmphasisInitial BaccalaureatePhysics (6-12)
Political Science, Social Science, Secondary Education EmphasisInitial BaccalaureateSocial Studies (6-12)-American Government/Political Science
Spanish, Secondary EducationInitial BaccalaureateWorld Language (6-12) Spanish
Theatre Arts, Secondary EducationInitial BaccalaureateTheater Arts (6-12)
Master in Teaching, ElementaryInitialMasterAll Subjects (K-8)