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The eCampus Center is committed to supporting programs and faculty in conducting research regarding the efficacy of online learning in promoting student success at Boise State University. To that end, we are available to support online faculty with their various research needs.

Research Consultations

The eCampus Research and Innovation Team members have expertise in conducting research about online teaching and learning. We support online faculty in their own research related to online teaching and learning by providing consultations in:

  • Research design and methods
  • Survey design and validation
  • Data analysis
  • Conducting inclusive research

Research Fellowship

To support the increase of scholarship of online teaching and learning at Boise State, the eCampus Center has created the eCampus Research Fellowship program. This fellowship provides online faculty with funding to conduct high-impact research that increases the evidence-base for the effectiveness of online learning at Boise State. Application information and important dates can be found on the eCampus Center Research Fellowship page.

Impact Fellowship

Faculty need time and support to learn about emerging best practices in online education. This fellowship supports faculty learning about a practice including H5P, open educational resources, and digital simulations. After spending one term learning, designing an evaluation model and implementing the practice, the faculty teaches using the practice and evaluates student learning. The result is a presentation to the instructor’s department, program, school, or college outlining the benefits and what to be aware of when implementing the practice. The purpose overall is to increase the use of evidence-based practices in online education. Application information and important dates can be found on the eCampus Center Impact Fellowship page.

AI Research Fellowship

The eCampus Center Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Fellowship is a prestigious opportunity with the goal to support actionable research that significantly impacts online student learning. Faculty will explore novel research questions arising from the implementation of AI in online education, including the role of AI in online teaching and learning, innovations in AI technologies, and other new AI applications.  Find more information about the fellowship, including application information and dates, on the eCampus Center AI Research Fellowship page.

Online Education Research Symposium

Boise State University’s online faculty are leading research efforts in online education.   Each fall semester, the Online Education Research Symposium provides a unique opportunity to engage with online faculty’s cutting-edge research. Boise State students, staff, and faculty are invited to participate in this virtual event and enriching journey of discovery and learning. Take advantage of the chance to gain insights into the latest advancements in online education research and contribute to the ongoing discussion about the future of online learning. Additional information can be found on the Symposium page.

Collaborative Research

The eCampus Research and Innovation team is continually looking to partner with faculty on collaborative research projects. Sample topics that are of particular interest to the eCampus Center include:

  • Comparison of outcomes in online vs. face-to-face courses
  • Best practices in discipline-specific (e.g. Engineering, Humanities, Allied Health) online pedagogy and design
  • Measures of student engagement in online learning
  • Use of open educational resources and practices
  • Use of interventions and support services to benefit online student success

Contact Us

Contact us for more information about research opportunities with the eCampus Center.