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Impact Fellowship

Applications are now open for the 2025-2026 eCampus Center Impact Fellowship. This opportunity is now available through the eCampus Center in the Division of Extended Studies. Participants will learn about specific technologies with a focus on application within the online learning environment and then teach others in their program, department, or college about what they have learned. Impact Fellows are eligible for a stipend upon completion of each milestone, for a total of up to $3000. Applicants should address one of the following innovations to positively impact online student learning and engagement:

  • Integrating open educational resources (OER)
  • Using digital simulations, such as virtual reality (VR)
  • Integrating H5P
  • Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI). 

Online science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) courses are especially encouraged to apply. Instructors opting to study AI will use the Boise State tool Amplify. Amplify will allow instructors to create custom chatbots or digital simulations for their online courses.

Timeline and Application

Each fellowship cohort will run three semesters from fall 2025 to summer 2026. Applications are due by April 22, 2025, and applicants will be notified of their results by May 2, 2025.

The application can be found at:

To schedule a time to meet with the eCampus Research and Innovation Team, please use this appointment slot scheduling form to find a time convenient for you.

Please direct additional inquiries about either of these opportunities to Amy Vecchione at

Learn about the eCampus Center Faculty Research Fellowship.

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