Assistant Research Professor
- Atmospheric Acoustics
- Geoscience Instrumentation
- Innovative Field/Analysis Methods
- Ph.D. Geophysics
Boise State University, 2018
Dissertation: Pressure Waves and Tephra Dispersal from Volcanic Explosions: Models, Observations, and Instrumentation - M.S. Geophysics
New Mexico Tech, 2013
Thesis: Mapping Thunder Sources by Inverting Acoustic and Electromagnetic Observations - B.S. Geology and Mathematics
University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, 2009
Thesis: Topographic Effects on Seismic Waves at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala
Opportunities for Students
Interested in learning more about instrumentation and data collection? Check out my course “Instrumentation and Electronics in Geoscience” (GEOPH 536, spring).
I have various undergraduate opportunities focused on computational analysis of infrasound data. Please get in touch if you’re interested in programming (especially Python, which is a big focus of our community) and eager to use infrasound/acoustics to understand Earth processes!
Instrumentation Development
The Gem Infrasound Logger is a self-contained infrasound sensor-logger designed with the objectives of low cost, low power consumption, and ease of transport, concealment, and use. It is particularly well-suited for high-risk settings (aerial platforms, hazardous sites, high-traffic areas) and deployment en masse or in unconventional geometries due to its low cost, light weight, and fast cable-free installation.
The following resources describe the development, properties, and applications of the Gem:
Other recent instrumentation projects include work on a soil CO2 sensor, a precise GNSS system for monitoring glacier motion, and a combined GPS/accelerometer system for monitoring cattle behavior.
Other Research
Recent research topics include fire infrasound, whitewater acoustics, dense-array infrasound analysis of aftershocks of the 2020-03-31 Central Idaho earthquake, instrumentation development for monitoring glacier flow, cattle behavior, and snow avalanches, nonlinear infrasound propagation from volcanic explosions, tephra dispersal from the 2015-03-03 lava fountain at Villarrica (Chile), and infrasound analysis of the 2012-07-14 vulcanian eruption at Tungurahua (Ecuador).
- Scamfer, L.T., Anderson, J.F. (2023). Exploring background noise with a large-N infrasound array: waterfalls, thunderstorms, and earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters 50(24), e2023GL104635. doi:10.1029/2023GL104635
- Anderson, J.F., Johnson, J.B., Mikesell, T.D., Liberty, L.M. (2023). Remote imaging of seismic ground shaking via large-N infrasound beamforming. Nature Communications Earth and Environment 4(1), 399. doi:10.1038/s43247-023-01058-z
- Tatum, T.A., Anderson, J.F., Ronan, T.J. (2023). Whitewater Sound Dependence on Discharge and Wave Configuration at an Adjustable Wave Feature. Water Resources Research 59(8), e2023WR034554. doi:10.1029/2023WR034554
- Anderson, J.F., Anderson, K.S., Beschorner, T. (2023). gemlog: Data conversion for the open-source Gem Infrasound Logger. Journal of Open-Source Software 8(86), 5256. doi:10.21105/joss.05256
- Johnson, J.B., Boyer, T., Watson, L.M., Anderson, J.F. (2023) Volcano opto-acoustics: mapping the infrasound wavefield at Yasur Volcano (Vanuatu). Geophysical Research Letters 50(8), e2022GL102029. doi:10.1029/2022GL102029
- Johnson, J.B., Roca, A., Pineda, A., Merida, R., Escobar-Wolf, R., Anderson, J.F., Mock, J., Bosa, A., Bejar, G., Waite, G. (2023). Infrasound Early Warning Detections for Lahars. Scientific Reports 13(1), 6476. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-32109-2
- Rosenblatt, B. B., Johnson, J. B., Anderson, J. F., Kim, K., & Gauvain, S. J. (2022). Controls on the frequency content of near-source infrasound at open-vent volcanoes: a case study from Volcán Villarrica, Chile. Bulletin of Volcanology, 84(12), 103. doi:10.1007/s00445-022-01607-y
- Watson, L. M., Iezzi, A. M., Toney, L., Maher, S. P., Fee, D., McKee, K., … & Johnson, J. B. (2022). Volcano infrasound: progress and future directions. Bulletin of Volcanology, 84(5), 1-13. doi:10.1007/s00445-022-01544-w
- Averbuch, G., Giannone, M. R., Arrowsmith, S., & Anderson, J. (2022). Evidence for short temporal atmospheric (tropospheric) variations observed by infrasonic signals. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150(4), A178-A179. doi:10.1029/2021EA002036
- Bosa, A., Johnson, J. B., De Angelis, S., Lyons, J., Roca, A., Anderson, J., & Pineda, A. (2021). Tracking secondary lahar flow paths and characterizing pulses and surges using infrasound array networks at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala. Volcanica, 4(2), 239-256. doi:10.30909/vol.04.02.239256
- Johnson, J.B., Anderson, J.F., Havens, S., Hopkinson, C., Marshall, H.P., Saurer, M., Watson, L.M. (2021). Snow Avalanche Detection and Source Constraints Made Using Multiple Infrasound Sensor Arrays. Journal of Geophysical Research—Earth Surface. doi:10.1029/2020JF005741
- Johnson, J. B., Mikesell, T. D., Anderson, J. F., & Liberty, L. M. (2020). Mapping the sources of proximal earthquake infrasound. Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL091421. doi:10.1029/2020GL091421
- Haney, M.M., Van Eaton, A.R., Lyons, J.J., Kramer, R.L., Fee, D., Iezzi, A.M., Dziak, R.P., Anderson, J.F., Johnson, J.B., Lapierre, J.L., Stock, M., (2020). Characteristics of thunder and electromagnetic pulses from volcanic lightning at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska. Bulletin of Volcanology, 82 (2), 1-16. doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1349-y
- Anderson, J.F., Johnson, J.B., Steele, A.L., Ruiz, M.C., Brand, B.D., 2018. Diverse eruptive activity revealed by acoustic and electromagnetic observations of the 14 July 2013 intense vulcanian eruption of Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. Geophysical Research Letters, 45 (7), 2976–2985. doi:10.1002/2017GL076419
- Johnson, J.B., Watson, L.M., Dunham, E.M., Palma, J.L, Anderson, J.F., 2018. Forecasting a paroxysmal lava lake eruption using resonant infrasound tones. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 2213-2220. doi:10.1002/2017GL076506
- Anderson, J.F., Johnson, J.B., Bowman, D.C., Ronan, T.J., 2017. The Gem infrasound logger and custom-built instrumentation. Seismological Research Letters, 89 (1), 153-164. doi:10.1785/0220170067
- Ronan, T.J., Lees, J.M., Mikesell, T.D., Anderson, J.F., and Johnson, J.B., 2017. Acoustic and seismic fields of hydraulic jumps at varying Froude numbers. Geophysical Research Letters 44 (19), 9734-9741. doi:10.1002/2017GL074511
- Anchundia, D.J., Anderson, J.F., and Anderson, D.J., 2017. Overland flight by seabirds at Isla Isabela, Galapagos. Marine Ornithology, 45 (2), 139-141.
- Anderson, J.F., Johnson, J.B., Arechiga, R.O., Thomas, R.J., 2014. Mapping thunder sources by inverting acoustic and electromagnetic observations. Journal of Geophysical Research—Atmospheres 119 (23) 287-304. doi:10.1002/2014JD021624
- Bowman, D.C., Taddeucci, J., Kim, K., Anderson, J.F., Lees, J.M., Graettinger, A.H., Sonder, I., Valentine, G.A., 2014. The acoustic signatures of ground acceleration, gas expansion, and spall fallback in experimental volcanic explosions. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL059324.
- Anderson, J.F., Lees, J.M., 2014. Instrument corrections by time-domain deconvolution. Seismological Research Letters, 85 (1) 197-201. doi:10.1785/0220130062
- Johnson, J.B., Anderson, J.F., Anthony, R.E., Sciotto, M., 2013. Detecting geyser activity with infrasound. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 256, 105-117. doi:10.1785/0220130062
- Anderson, J.F., Lees, J.M., Waite, G.P., Johnson, J.B., 2012. Source and propagation effects on near-field co-eruptive ground motion at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 102 (2), 696-706. doi:10.1785/0120110106
- Johnson, J.B., Anderson, J.F., Marcillo, O., Arrowsmith, S., 2012. Probing local wind and temperature structure using infrasound from Volcan Villarrica (Chile). Journal of Geophysical Research–Atmospheres, 117, D17107, doi:10.1029/2012JD017694.
- Johnson, J.B., Arechiga, R.O., Edens, H.E., Thomas, R.J., Anderson, J.F., Johnson, R.L., 2011. Imaging Thunder. Geophysical Research Letters 38:L19807. doi:10.1029/2011GL049162
- Berenhaut, K.S., Gibson, B.G., Newman, J.H., Anderson, J.F., 2006. Bounds for fourth order (0,1) difference equations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 54:1250-1259. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2006.10.039.
Contact Information
Email: jacobanderson152@boisestate.edu
Office: ERB 3147