The range of lava compositions observed on Earth arises from variations in melting processes, mantle source compositions, and magma differentiation and assimilation in the crust. These petrologic processes vary at local (e.g., individual volcano) and regional (e.g., with tectonic setting) scales and have profound consequences on eruption dynamics. My research interests lie in understanding how magmas evolve from generation in the mantle, to storage and ascent through the crust, and finally, eruption at the Earth’s surface. In my research, I use a wide range of geochemical tracers to understand how fractional crystallization, assimilation of crustal rocks, melt-rock reactions, and partial melting can affect the composition of lavas erupted at the surface. My recent research has focused on the evolution of magmas at mid-ocean ridges (MORs) and ocean islands.
Current Projects:
Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions from the Global Mid-Ocean Ridge System
“Popping Rocks” at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Petrogenesis of Galapagos Seamounts
Helium in hot spring gases from the southernmost East-African Rift System