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Alejandro N. Flores

A man in a hat and sunglasses in front of a forested mountain hillslope with blue skies and white cumulus clouds in the background.


  • Ph.D.| Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
    Hydrology, 2009
  • M.S. | Colorado State University
    Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2003
  • B.S. | Colorado State University
    Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2001


  • Regional climate and hydrologic change
  • Critical zone ecohydrology
  • Remote sensing of terrestrial ecohydrology
  • Application of modeling, simulation, and artificial intelligence/machine learning


  • GEOS 212: Water in the West (Spring semester)
  • GEOS 411: Land-Atmosphere Interaction (alternating Spring semesters)
  • GEOS 505: Research Computing for Earth and Environmental Science (alternating Fall semesters)
  • GEOS 518: Modeling Earth and Environmental Systems (alternating Fall semester)

Join us!

The LEAF group at Boise State is always seeking motivated students and postdocs to work on challenging and interesting research problems. Professor Flores is endorsed to advised graduate students in the following graduate degree programs:

Our research group also provides important opportunities for undergraduate students to learn research and develop new skills, including in the field and programming. Please contact if you are interested in joining us!

Contact Information

Website: Lab For Ecological Applications and Forecasting(LEAF)
Office: ERB-4151
Lab: ERB-3118
Phone: 208-426-2903

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