Professional preparation for geosciences careers includes developing the skills to interpret and model Earth systems through quantitative observation and the collection and analysis of data in field settings.
GEOS482 Geosciences Field Studies is a requirement of the B.S. Geosciences degree program commonly fulfilled via enrollment in a 4-6 week summer field camp that applies classroom and laboratory training to solving geological problems through fieldwork and geospatial analysis.
Field camp is a transformative capstone experience that will give you the preparation and confidence to enter into geosciences workforce sectors looking for the unique qualifications that geoscientists hold for extracting information and developing knowledge from complex field settings
Idaho State University Geology Field Camp
We are fortunate to be able to partner with Idaho State University’s Geology Field Camp, a 5 week, 6-credit capstone course in field geology held at the beginning of summer each year. This nationally recognized course is hosted at the Lost River Field Station, located north of Mackay, Idaho. All qualified BSU Geosciences students can apply for early acceptance into this program.

Other Field Camps
There are also dozens of other field camps sponsored by Colleges and Universities across the U.S. that accept external applicants; follow this link to a compilation by NAGT. You should consult with your academic advisor as to whether one of these field camps meets the B.S. Geosciences field requirements.
Field Camp Scholarships
Field camps are a comprehensive learning experience including both instruction and food and housing, and you should plan in advance strategies for meeting the tuition and fees associated with enrollment, which are generally in the range of $4,000 – $6000. There are a number of scholarship opportunities that qualified students can apply to for financial assistance; follow this link to a list compiled by the ISU Geology Field Camp.
The Department of Geosciences offers a Field Camp Scholarship made possible through generous donations by former alumni. Apply for this scholarship if you are attending (or would like to attend) a summer field course that is least 4 credits. Awards will be a maximum of $500 per student.Click this link for the application, and apply before March 15. You will need to show proof of enrollment in a field camp before the funds are disbursed.