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Keyword in Common Event — EARTH!

Join our very own Dorsey Wanless as she provides a geo-perspective on what “Earth” means for this panel onĀ Friday, December 2nd!! If you plan to attend, please fill out this 4 question survey in advance.

Poster that reads: "Keyword in Common EARTH - School of the Environment. Friday, December 2nd 10:00am - 11:00am. College of Innovation and Design (2nd Floor of the Library). Please join the School of the Environment design team in conversation about the Earth. A panel of 5 experts will talk about a keyword in common (Earth) from the point of view of their disciplinary knowledge. Audience will join the panel in discussing the various approaches and interpretation of the word and reflecting on sameness and difference in the environmental space. Program begins at 10am. This conversation will be part of the launching of Boise State's School of the Environment and we invite all participants to consider carefully the term 'Earth' as part of our shared work. We look forward to seeing you in person. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided."