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ERA Fall Picnic

Hello Everyone!

The Ecological Research Association board is excited to announce an upcoming event: ERA Fall Picnic! We will be gathering on Friday, October 28th from 4:30 to 6:30pm in Kristin Armstrong Municipal Park to celebrate fall, spend time with friends, and meet new people.

Thanks to a grant from the Associated Students of BSU, we will be providing pizza, chips, cookies, and drinks! We just ask that you bring a reusable plate and fill out this form to RSVP by the end of the day on Wednesday, October 26th.

As a reminder, graduate students in the departments of biology, geosciences, anthropology, and Human-Environment Systems are automatically considered members of ERA. Anyone is welcome at this event, so please share the attached flyer with others!

Hope to see you there!
Nora and Tao (ERA Social Chairs)