The Cryosphere Workshop of 2021 was the first annual Snow Workshop led by the Boise State University Geosciences Club. This workshop on January 30th at Lower Deer Point, Dry Creek Watershed. 20 participants attended this workshop, members of the Geosciences Club, ranging between five majors on campus, including Biology, Ecology, Civil Engineering, Multi-disciplinary, and Geosciences! The workshop focused on the broad topics of the regional snowpack, snow hydrology, and field skills. Specific skill takeaways for participants included their learning of how to analyze and sample snow put data, how drones can be implemented into snow remote sensing, and how to collect data properly. Overall, this workshop helped participants develop intangible skills for future careers, such as critical thinking and understanding the importance of hydrology.
The Geosciences Club wants to extend a big thank you to ASBSU to fund two grants for this workshop to supply gear from the Boise State Outdoor program for participants, which helped lower the socioeconomic boundaries that can be synonymous with the outdoors or field research. They would also like to thank the awesome workshop faculty instructors Pam Aishlin P.G. and Dr. Anna Bergstrom, along with 5 fantastic graduate student leaders: Allison Vincent, Jukes Liu, Rainey Aberle, Kate Bollen, and Elizabeth Crowther. Also, there were countless safety measures instituted so that this in-person workshop could be safe for participants and leaders alike!
-Geosciences Club Cryosphere Workshop Coordinators: Hannah Spero and Daniel Murray