Congratulations to Hang Chen for being awarded the Apache Scholarship from the Society of Exploration Geophysics (SEG). Hang just finished his undergraduate study in applied geophysics at Central South University (China) and is enrolled as a new Ph.D. student in Geophysics program in our department this fall. As an undergraduate, he has achieved excellent academic success, including publishing one journal paper in the Journal of Applied Geophysics and being selected as an Excellent Student Presenter in the 8th International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Hang’s Ph.D. research is to develop novel electromagnetic imaging techniques for characterizing the structure of Earth’s Critical Zones and monitoring relevant hydrological processes occurring in it. One particular focus of his research is to integrate rock physics concepts into traditional geophysical forward modeling and inversion. The awarded SEG Apache Scholarship ($2,000) will help him better achieve these research goals.