The Summit Planning Team would like to invite students to submit posters for the 2020 Student Poster Contest at the Intermountain Sustainability Summit to be held at Weber State University, on March 19 – 20, 2020. The Summit brings hundreds of sustainability professionals and emerging leaders together each year, giving students the opportunity to network with sustainability leaders across the region.
Posters must be based on a student project for a class, or internship that relates to sustainability. Poster categories include research, green design, community engagement, creative arts and humanities among others. Posters related to sustainability are welcome through Friday, February 15th, 2020. See the rubric for more information.
Students whose posters are selected to be a part of the event will receive free registration to the Summit and be entered to win cash card prizes.
If you have any questions about the poster contest, please contact me at (801) 626-6310 or by email at katherinemeyr@weber.edu. For more information, sign up to receive Summit updates.