A number of past and current Boise State Isotope Geology Laboratory scientists reunited at the 2019 IsoAstro Geochronology Workshop in Rock Springs, Wyoming. The week-long workshop provided in-depth theory and practical exercises on the integration and intercalibration of radioisotopic and astrochronologic time scales. Pictured here on the Eocene rocks of the Green River Formation are (left to right): Kate Grosswiler (current Boise State B.S. Geology candidate), Dr. Robin Trayler (Ph.D. Geosciences 2018, now a postdoc at University of California at Merced), Dr. Mark Schmitz (Professor, Boise State), Travis Leach (B.S. Geosciences 2018, now a Ph.D. candidate at Princeton University), and Dr. Tiffany Rivera (M.S. Geology 2008, now Associate Professor at Westminster College).