The clean laboratory incorporates design principles successfully used in our previous clean lab facility, and those operating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Carnegie Institution of Washington. The clean laboratory suite includes three fully exhausted, fully HEPA-filtered rooms each separated from each other by >0.05″ w.c. of cascading positive pressure:
- A dedicated oven room (ERB-5118A) for high-T, high-P sample dissolutions in Parr vessels, including a polypropylene hood, which also serves as an airlock into ERB-5118 with a 2 cubic foot polypropylene interlocked passthrough for ease of transfer of samples between laboratories.
- A larger general chemistry laboratory (ERB-5118) with: three six-foot, Class 10, HEPA-filtered horizontal laminar flow acid hoods for reagent preparation (sub-boiling distillation), hot-plate sample dissolution and open beaker dry-down; one six-foot, ULPA-filtered, Class 10 vertical laminar flow workstation for microcolumn separations; and dedicated exhausted bench work spaces for radiogenic isotope chromatographic separations, including the Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf and U-Th-Pb systems in rock, mineral and water matrices.
- A dedicated interior laboratory (ERB-5118B) for ultra-low blank U-Th-Pb chemistry under two six-foot, ULPA-filtered, Class 10 vertical laminar flow workstations.
Support equipment in the clean laboratories include a dedicated Millipore Elix/Milli-Q Gradient ultra-clean water system, quartz and teflon PFA sub-boiling distillation units for ultra-clean reagent preparation, laboratory balances, zoom binocular microscopes, centrifuge, hot plates for low-pressure rock digestion, and a variety of teflon PFA ion chromatographic supports housed in custom-built evacuated acrylic column boxes.