Hydrogeophysics: Theory, Methods, and Modeling
Please register for: GEOL or GEOPH 497 (Undergraduate level);
GEOL or GEOPH 597 (Graduate level)
Boise State University, Boise (ID), USA
June 18-29, 2007
Dear Colleague,
We are delighted to inform you about a two week summer field school organized by Boise State University (Idaho) and the University of Calabria (Italy), on June 18th- 29th, 2007, entitled Hydrogeophysics: Theory, Methods, and Modeling appealing to students, practitioners, consultants, and academics alike. This is an intensive two-week course for advanced undergraduate and graduate students with quantitative preparation in science or engineering, especially hydrology and/or geophysics. The course will be taught in 3-hour daily sessions (M-F) covering theory, field methods (including hands-on exercises), and modeling methods for quantitative characterization and imaging of the shallow subsurface using data from field methods such as ground penetrating radar, electrical methods, and pumping tests. Prerequisites include: Geology 100, Math 333, and Physics 212, or permission of instructor. This course is a 2-credit Summer semester class at Boise State University.
Sequence of topics and presenters:
Monday, June 18: Geophysics 1: Potential field theory and methods (Andre Revil, CEREGE, France)
Tuesday, June 19: Geophysics 2: Wave theory and methods (Kasper van Wijk, Boise State University)
Wednesday, June 20: Geophysics 2: Diffusion theory and methods (Carlyle Miller, Boise State University)
Thursday, June 21: Geophysics 4: Field methods hands-on experience (Staff)
Friday, June 22: Geophysics 5: Inverse theory and tomographic modeling (Bill Clement, Boise State University)
Monday, June 25: Hydrogeology 1: Groundwater flow equation and modeling with MODFLOW (Bwalya Malama and Tom Clemo, Boise State University)
Tuesday, June 26: Hydrogeology 2: Heterogeneity, geostatistics, kriging, stochastic modeling (Geoff Bohling, Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas)
Wednesday, June 27: Hydrogeology 3: Aquifer testing theory and modeling (Walter Illman, University of Iowa)
Thursday, June 28: Hydrogeology 4: Aquifer test methods hands-on experience (Staff)
Friday, June 29: Hydrogeophysics 1: Joint inversion of hydrologic and geophysical data (Salvatore Straface, University of Calabria, Italy)
Course timing and format:
The course will be offered primarily in the afternoon from 1-4 pm on Monday through Friday for each of two weeks: June 18-22 and June 25-29.
The format of most of the topic the sessions would primarily be (first): lecture on the theory of a topic (about 1.25 hour); (second): a modeling tutorial leading the students through an application of the theory with a prepared data set and step-by-step modeling example (1-1.25 hr); and (third): introduction of a modeling problem with a different data set for the students to solve.
For field experience, the students will participate in the HT/SP/ERT experiments in the mornings and there will also be the Geophysics 4 and Hydrogeology 4 sessions at the BHRS for guided experience with a variety of geophysical and hydrologic methods.
- Classroom for instruction and after-hours problem solving:The classroom has computer access including internet access for students and the instructor. For individual work after hours, students will have access to several classrooms with computers so they can work individually or in groups as they choose.
- Logistics:Lodging can be arranged in University housing for students in this course at $15 per night for one-bed rooms grouped into four bedroom suites with common area including kitchen. We will have vans to take students and researchers to the BHRS in the morning and to bring students and instructor(s) back to campus for class in the middle of the day. We can arrange to have box lunches for those who choose to use cafeteria meals during the period of the experiments and class.
Problems or Questions
- If you have problems or questions about applying, registering, or want to know more about the course, please contact:
Warren Barrash
We look forward to seeing you in the summer.
Last updated April 19, 2007 by William P. Clement.
© William P. Clement 2007