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Soil Station: Low S-Facing

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Station Status: Operational,  Active Telemetry

Corrected data are available for download in the “Historical Data” tab.
General site description is available in the “Site Info” tab.

For questions or assistance with this data, please contact Dr. Chris Walser

Site Information and Historical Data

Lower S Soil station covered in sticks as camoflauge
Lower S-facing soil monitoring station.

Site info

DCEW Site: Low S-facing site (LS)
Location (Lat/Long): 43.69082, -116.1693822
Elevation: 1139 m
Reporting Since: 2008

Site Notes: Low S-facing site (LS) was established as one of eight sites in a paired north vs. south facing hill slope soil measurement network within DCEW. LS is located on the south facing slope across from the Lower weather station wherein water years 2008-2011 averaged 392 mm precipitation. Winter snowfall is rare at this site, with accumulation generally less that 0.5 meters (December-March).

Soil at this forested site includes 80-12-8 sand-silt-clay for < 2mm weight percentages, and is approximately 35 cm deep above fractured crystalline bedrock. Vegetation is grass, forb and brush.

Soil moisture and temperature is measured in four adjacent pits with quadrilateral separation at 3 meters. In each of the four pits ECH2O EC-TM sensors are emplaced at 2, 15, and 30 cm depth with a fourth sensor placed just above bedrock to provide synchronous soil moisture and temperature measurement.

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