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Be an MMA champion with these tips

By Alexie Anderson

Managing school, work, and home life requires tenacity. Stay strong with these tips to help you stay on track, stay driven, and stay positive.


Whether planning for your week or preparing to complete a task, visualize success. Having a positive attitude will help create positive outcomes. Trust yourself, work hard, know your own self worth and make time for yourself each day.


Physical and mental health play important roles in student success. Exercise can increase appetite and regulate sleep schedules, which can make you better equipped to manage your day. Taking a few minutes to clear your head between tasks can help you to recenter and refresh your mind.


It is important to stay connected to your support system. Asking for help when you need it can alleviate stress. Reach out to friends and family when you need support, and take care of your wellness through University Health Services to stay physically and mentally fit.