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Emergency Absence Notification FAQ

FAQ for Instructors

What is an Emergency Absence Notification?

An Emergency Absence Notification is an email sent as a courtesy by the Office of the Dean of Students to a student’s instructors when a student is unable to communicate their own absence due to extenuating circumstances, such as:

  • an acute medical or mental health emergency (excluding COVID-19).
  • the loss of an immediate family member.
  • being impacted by fire, flood, or other disaster.

An Emergency Absence Notification does not excuse a student from completing class work. It simply alerts instructors of a student’s absence due to a serious disruption/circumstance and establishes an entry point from which a student can begin communicating with instructors regarding arrangements for making up coursework.

I just received an Emergency Absence Notification. What do I need to do next?

When you receive an Emergency Absence Notification, all you need to do is make note of the following:

  • The student mentioned in the notification is navigating a difficult situation. This means that the student may have been absent or will be absent for a variable period of time and that the student might not have the capacity or ability to tend to their schoolwork as usual.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to follow up with you, the instructor, to make up any missed coursework.

How do I know how to respond if I don’t know the nature of the student’s emergency?

Emergency Absence Notifications do not specify the student’s extenuating circumstances. It is the student’s choice whether or not they want to share the nature of the circumstances they’re experiencing with you directly. Please do not expect disclosure from the student.

However, know that staff members at the Office of the Dean of Students review every request for an Emergency Absence Notification and only approve requests that meet criteria which substantiate the need for emergency communications. Additionally, all students who submit an Emergency Absence Notification request will be offered support from case managers in the Office of the Dean of Students.

Because it is the responsibility of the student to follow up with you, simply wait for the student to email you. Trust that the student will share what they feel comfortable sharing and that they will ask for what they sincerely need.

What’s expected of me in terms of offering the student flexible arrangements to make up coursework?

In the event of a student’s emergency, you are encouraged by the Office of the Dean of Students to provide reasonable arrangements to make up coursework to promote the retention and success of this student, so long as the student’s absences are not excessive. 

It’s important to note that determinations regarding the acceptance of absences are at your discretion based on the attendance policy included in your class syllabus unless the student’s absence is a university-recognized student absence (e.g., bereavement for the death of an immediate family member).

What resources exist to guide me in my decision-making as I support this student?

Refer to Part 2 of the Boise State University Teaching Guide for helpful language from the Office of the Provost to consider in your decision-making as you support students navigating extenuating circumstance or emerging from crises.

You are also welcome to reach out to your department chair, associate dean, the Center for Teaching and Learning and/or the Office of the Provost for consultation.

Other relevant resources:

    • Helpful & Supportive Communication: Find tips and tools (including email templates) about connecting students directly to helpful university offices, sharing concern for students who are disengaging, communicating with unresponsive students, setting boundaries to clarify your role as a supportive instructor, and more.
    • Reaching Out Handbook: A guide created by Counseling Services for Boise State faculty and staff in assisting students who are navigating difficulty and/or presenting in concerning ways.

FAQ for Students

What’s the purpose of an Emergency Absence Notification?

If a student is absent from class, it is their responsibility to inform instructors in person, by phone or by email. However, when you are unable to contact your instructors directly due to an emergency, the Office of the Dean of Students may send an Emergency Absence Notification email to your instructors on your behalf. 

The purpose of this notification email is to inform your instructors that you will be absent for an unspecified period of time and to establish an entry point from which you can begin communicating with your instructors regarding arrangements for making up coursework.

Does an Emergency Absence Notification tell my instructors what is happening to me?

An Emergency Absence Notification simply alerts your instructors that you will be absent for an unspecified period of time due to emergency circumstances. Due to FERPA regulations, we will not share your medical or personal information with your instructors.

How long does it take for my Emergency Absence Notification request to be approved or denied?

When an Emergency Absence Notification request is received, expect a staff member from the Office of the Dean of Students to call you and/or the person who requested the notification on your behalf within 2-3 university business days. This staff member will be able to approve or deny your request by clarifying the details of your situation. 

If the Office of the Dean of Students is unable to reach you and/or the person who requested the notification on your behalf, approval or denial of your request may be delayed.

What happens if my Emergency Absence Notification request is approved?

If your request is approved, an Emergency Absence Notification email is sent to all of your instructors in the same email. Your student email address will be copied on this e-mail, so you will be able to see when the email was sent.

Please note that this email does not explain your circumstances or excuse you from classes or coursework, so following up on this email is essential. It is your responsibility to contact each of your instructors to describe your circumstances (to your comfort level) and to make arrangements for making up coursework. 

As you work directly with your instructor(s) in fulfilling your academic obligations after your emergency, keep in mind the following:

  • Instructors may request documentation to substantiate your absence.
  • Be sure to consult all of your instructors’ syllabi since each instructor sets their own class absence policy and late work policy.
  • The Office of the Dean of Students is here to support you in navigating your emergency and transitioning back to school. We encourage you to schedule an appointment with us if you’d like help problem-solving around your situation.

What happens if my Emergency Absence Notification request is denied?

The news that your request has been denied will most likely be shared with you while you are on the phone with a staff member from the Office of the Dean of Students.

Even though sending an Emergency Absence Notification may not be appropriate in your situation, this staff member will be prepared to:

  • offer immediate problem-solving support regarding how best to navigate your situation.
  • summarize relevant policies, such as the University-recognized Absence Policy.
  • help connect you to campus resources and offices best positioned to support you.
  • schedule an appointment for additional help problem-solving around your situation.

Note that your request may be denied if you and/or the person who requested the notification on your behalf is unresponsive when a staff member from the Office of the Dean of Students is unable to reach you. Expect these calls within 2-3 university business days after submitting your request.