The following examples may be helpful when reaching out to students to address behavioral concerns observed in the classroom.
Email Templates
Example 1 (Distressed Behavior)
I know you have had a difficult time this semester, which has impacted your attendance and class participation.
It might be helpful if we talk to work on a plan for you to complete the course successfully.
Please stop by my office during office hours next week so we can talk.
Example 2 (Distressed Behavior)
Over the last few weeks, I’ve noticed a change in the quality of your classwork. You appear [distracted/distant/disengaged/sad] lately. Can you stop by my office next week during office hours so we can work together to get you back on track?
Follow-up email after meeting (Distressed Behavior)
Thank you for coming in and visiting with me today. I appreciate the open dialogue and I am sorry you are going through such a difficult time.
As we discussed, I have some support resource information for you to consider reaching out and connecting. I have attached a “Caring For You” handout that provides the contact information for a variety of support resources on campus, including our Counseling Services and the Student Connections and Support Center. Both resources provide a great confidential way for you to work through some of the difficulties you are currently facing.
Please make sure you stay in communication with me regarding your classwork, attendance, and any anticipated hiccups that might derail your success in this class.
With care,
Request to Meet (Disruptive Behavior – sent by responding faculty)
I am writing to request a meeting to discuss your behavior in class, which I believe has been disruptive to the learning of your peers. As you know, I dismissed you from class on [DATE], and I want to reiterate that you are not to return to class until a discussion takes place to address the behavior and create a plan. This is in accordance with university policy #3240, which is included below.
To fulfill my responsibilities outlined in the policy, I have reported the temporary dismissal to my department and the Office of the Dean of Students. Upon your dismissal from class, the next step is to have a meeting. Please know that this meeting is very important; if it does not occur, the next step is to proceed to part IV. A. of the policy. I’m asking that the Assistant Dean of Students attend the meeting with us to help facilitate a productive discussion. You are welcome to bring an additional support person with you. It’s very important to me that we are able to have an open, honest conversation to get at the root of what has been happening in the classroom.
I would like to meet at everyone’s earliest convenience. Below are some times when both the Assistant Dean and I can meet:
Please let me know which of these times works best for you. I look forward to moving forward with a resolution.
Request to Meet (Disruptive Behavior – sent by supporting faculty or chair)
I understand an escalating conflict has occurred between you and [FACULTY NAME] and they have asked you not to return to the class until a discussion takes place. We are following university policy #3240, which I’ve included below, to preserve the rights of both of you.
[FACULTY NAME] requested a meeting with you prior to class on [DATE], but you did not reply, hence the confrontation which ensued when you arrived for class. Upon your dismissal from class, the next step is to have a meeting according to the policy. This is a very important meeting for you; if we don’t hear from you, we proceed to part IV. A. of the policy. I’ve asked the Assistant Dean of Students to attend so that they can facilitate the discussion. You are welcome to bring a support person. I may attend as well (depending on the time and date), but only as an impartial observer who documents the discussion. [STUDENT NAME], please understand we are trying to make a bridge here, not tear one down. We encourage your respectful participation in this process.
The following are some possible dates and times that the Assistant Dean can meet. If none of these work for you, we can move into next week, but the sooner we can meet, the sooner we can move forward with a resolution.
Please know we have your best interests at heart and want you to be and feel successful. With open, honest dialogue, I believe we can reach a resolution that works for everyone. Please include all of us in your response so we can prioritize this on our calendars.
Follow up after meeting (Disruptive Behavior)
Thank you for taking time to meet with [FACULTY NAME] and myself. I am glad we were able to have an open discussion about how to move forward in a productive manner. In our meeting, you discussed that you [INSERT CONCERNS AND CONCESSIONS MADE BY THE STUDENT DURING THE MEETING. Example: You acknowledged that you were upset because you felt targeted for offering a differing opinion and that you should have been more respectful in your communication with your instructor/fellow classmates.]
I also shared some resources with you during our meeting, including:
I believe that this resolution, coupled with open, respectful communication, will result in a successful semester for everyone. If anything in this email does not reflect your understanding of today’s meeting, please feel free to contact me.
Example Success Plan/Expectation Agreement
Thank you for your willingness to meet with me to navigate circumstances surrounding your success here at Boise State University. Based on our conversation, I wanted to provide you with a detailed behavioral agreement and action plan to further enhance your experience here as well as talk about some expectations for future actions.
In our conversation, you explored and committed to the following rights and responsibilities:
- It is your Right: To have a successful environment here at Boise State in and outside the classroom.
- It is your Responsibility: To manage your stress in a non-disruptive manner towards any community you’re a part of.
- It is your Right: For instructors to treat you with respect.
- It is your Responsibility: To utilize language that is not aggressive or abrasive in nature that can be reasonably interpreted as you intend it to be.
- It is your Responsibility: To be compliant with requests made by university officials.
It is truly my desire that your time at Boise State University will be a positive experience of growth and development. University staff is here to assist you in any way we can in supporting you in your journey.
Based on our conversations, your commitments to the responsibilities defined above are as follows:
1. To manage stress in a non-disruptive manner towards any community in which you may be a part of.
To process this stress you mentioned that you may:
• Practice meditation.
• Physically write down your challenges/stresses to order to process them.
2. To utilize language that is not aggressive or abrasive in nature that can be reasonably interpreted as you intend it to be.
Some suggestions to avoid being misunderstood:
• Use direct, clear language.
• Avoid inappropriate jokes.
• Engage in discussions about boundaries and create a plan to avoid over-stepping those lines.
3. To be compliant with requests made by university officials:
Some suggestions for maintaining this compliance:
• Keeping an organized record of appointment times. Use a planner or set reminders on electronic devices.
• Checking university email daily.
• Having open lines of communication with any university official in contact with you.
[STUDENT], I am confident that you will be able to maintain the standards that we have agreed upon. If you are unable to meet the expectations listed above, you may be processed through a formal conduct process and/or removed from this course. Please know that this would be the last option for us and one that is completely within your control.
Thank you for our conversation. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.