Dear Faculty,
Boise State takes the Statement of Shared Values and the creation of a healthy work environment seriously. Occasionally, students exhibit disruptive behaviors in the classroom, department or faculty offices, or through communications such as email. Online communication, including online class forums and email, present its own challenges in setting expectations for behavior, and subsequently, dealing with disruptive students. This guide aims to assist Boise State University faculty members in preventing and responding to disruptive student behaviors.
Please know that you are supported in addressing disruptive behavior. The instructor has the authority and responsibility to maintain a positive learning environment in the interest of covering the subject and providing an optimal educational experience for all students within the boundaries of Boise State policies. We acknowledge that there are limitations to your role as a faculty member. This guide will outline some common factors that influence disruptive behaviors, strategies to minimize and address these behaviors, along with resource and referral information. Disruptive behavior should be appropriately addressed, regardless of the cause so that a healthy work and learning environment can be achieved.
Special thanks to the academic leaders and numerous faculty members who aided in the creation and review of this resource.
Christian Wuthrich, Ph.D.
Dean of Students