For students interested in the application of data science to the field of medicine.
Dr. John and Lois Kloss Data Science and Medicine Scholarship
Students interested in studying data science and its application to the field of medicine should apply for this scholarship. Eligibility requirements for this scholarship are:
- Sophomore or above
- Enrolled full-time (12 undergraduate credits)
- Pursuing a data science minor or certificate, visit Data Science website for options.
- Plan to pursue an advanced degree in the field of medicine after graduation with intent to apply data analytics to their field of study. This could include:
- Medical school
- Medical or biomedical research
- Health economics
- Medical care research
Express your intention in an essay no longer than 350 words that describes your goals for an advanced degree in medicine with emphasis on data science applications.
To apply for this scholarship, sign in to or Boise State Scholarship Application
The application deadline for the academic year 2022/2023 is Feb. 22, 2022.