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Mid-Semester Assessment Process (MAP)

Complete our MAP Request Form to request a MAP for Spring 2025.

What is a MAP?

The Mid-semester Assessment Process (MAP) allows instructors to assess their teaching and gauge how and what students are learning in a particular course while the semester is still in progress. Typically a MAP occurs midway through the course. The process involves a MAP facilitator (a consultant from either the CTL or the eCampus Center) gathering feedback from students and then meeting with the faculty member to review the anonymized responses and discuss potential actions that could be taken to support student success in the course. During this meeting, the MAP facilitator supports the instructor to think about ways they may make changes to the teaching and learning that takes place in their class.

What questions are asked during a MAP?

During the MAP, students will be asked three questions, to which they respond with open-ended answers:

  1. What about this course and its instruction fosters your learning?
  2. What specific changes could be made in the course that would improve your learning?
  3. What efforts could you make as a student to improve your learning in this course?

How do I sign up for a MAP?

Complete our MAP Request Form to request a MAP for Spring 2025.

Because of the high demand for MAPS, we request that each faculty member choose only one course per semester to be involved in a MAP. (You are, of course, welcome to come back next semester for a different course!)

Complete your own MAP and request a consultation

If preferred, you can conduct your own mid-semester evaluation without assistance from the CTL by adapting the previously listed MAP questions via a Google form or Qualtrics survey. Afterward, you can schedule a consultation with a CTL staff member to review your results and discuss your questions.

What your colleagues say about their MAP experience

In a Fall 2025 post-MAP assessment, faculty shared the following feedback:

Student Feedback Value: 53% of participating faculty agreed that the student feedback gave them new insights into students’ classroom experiences, and 40% strongly agreed.

Recommending MAP: 60% of faculty strongly agreed that they would recommend the MAP to their colleagues, while 40% agreed.

Consultation Effectiveness: 67% of faculty strongly agreed that the follow-up consultation with a CTL consultant offered effective strategies to address student feedback, and 33% agreed.

Classroom Climate Insights: 80% of participating faculty reported that the MAP provided them with “very valuable” insights about their classroom climate.

Here are some quotes from the Fall 2025 post-MAP assessment:

“I would highly recommend that any teacher participate in a MAP experience. It can seem a little nerve-wracking to have someone come in and talk to your students, but it’s wonderful that the CTL representative helps moderate comments and brings forward the most relevant and important feedback. […] I feel so empowered after my MAP and excited to make changes this semester and in future semesters. I also think students really respect it when they see their professor striving to make the class the best experience possible.”

“I’m feeling much more confident!”

“[I had a] very positive experience that provided useful strategies for making the course a better experience for students. I will definitely request a MAP again in the future.”