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Post it! Post-it Notes are a Humble but Terrific Low-Tech Teaching Tool

In a recent Insight Higher Ed article, Kate Nesbit, Assistant Professor of English at Central College, explored the growing challenge of balancing technology with student attention in the classroom. With the AI landslide, many teaching strategies focus on integrating more digital tools, with the argument that students need to be prepared for tech-heavy careers. After all, most jobs require some level of technological fluency. But that doesn’t mean low-tech teaching methods are obsolete. In fact, many traditional, analog tools continue to support student learning effectively. Plus, principles like Universal Design for Learning emphasize the importance of offering students different ways to learn and demonstrate their knowledge.

When looking for low-tech teaching strategies, Nesbit rediscovered the versatility of the classic post-it note (or sticky note). These often colorful, three by three inch, thin papers with an adhesive strip on the upper back side are ubiquitous in many offices. The CTL has long had a healthy obsession with post-it notes, and chances are you’ve used them in one of our programs. That’s why we were excited to see that Nesbit and her colleague Eric Emmons, professor of psychology and neuroscience, came up with a list of examples of how to use post it notes for fun student learning activities. The list includes:

  1. A Cure for Writer’s Block
  2. Poster Session Peer Review
  3. Cold Call Without Cold Calling
  4. A Visual Check for Understanding
  5. A Reader-Response Discussion
  6. A Test Review Take on the Celebrity Game

Check out the article: Post-it Pedagogy for more details on each activity. And if you’ve tried any of these strategies in your own class—or have your own post-it note activity to share—let us know at


CAST. (n.d.). Universal design for learning guidelines. CAST., K. (January 31, 2025). Post-It! Post-it notes are a terrific low-tech teaching tool. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from URL: (January 31, 2025)