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Sign-up is open for Fall 2024 MAPs

Are you interested in finding out how your students are experiencing your course? Are you teaching a new course or have you made changes to the class that you like to get feedback on? The CTL offers a Mid-semester Assessment Process (MAP) as a way for instructors to receive feedback from students about what is helping them learn and what could be done to improve their learning. Checking in with students during the semester when there is still time for you to incorporate their feedback while the course is still in progress, has shown to be very effective and beneficial.

The process involves a MAP facilitator (a consultant from either the CTL or the eCampus Center) gathering feedback from students and then meeting with the instructor to review the anonymized responses. During this meeting, the MAP facilitator supports the instructor to think about ways they may make changes to the teaching and learning that takes place in their class. Instructors often leave this meeting with concrete ideas for small changes they can make in their course to improve the learning experience of their students.

We encourage instructors to schedule MAPs between weeks 5 and 9 in the semester. The ninth week of the semester this fall is the week of October 14th, so there is still plenty of time to schedule a MAP for your course. To find out more visit the MAP website. 

Complete this form to sign up for a MAP.