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3+ Small Steps to Take Now That Will Make the Fall Start Smoother

Boise State "B" in the spring
B Plaza, for Kevin Satterlee’s office, Allison Corona photo

Good intentions and goals are not just a New Year’s phenomenon. As the Spring semester is coming to an end, it is easy to push tasks for future course planning far away. Summer break seems long, especially if you aren’t teaching summer classes, and course planning for fall is probably the last thing on your mind. However, the August scramble is a common struggle and leads to starting the new academic year already stressed out. We collected 3+ small tasks you can accomplish now to set you up for success. Each item offers a quick “Start here” task (less than 5 minutes) and a low-stakes “level-up” task if you are feeling extra motivated (less than 15 minutes).

  1. Start here: Request your Fall Canvas course sites.
    Level-up: Transfer applicable content from previous class sites if you are teaching a familiar class.
  2. Start here: Take notes on your teaching experience this semester. What went well, what didn’t, what did the MAP or course evaluations say?
    Level-up: Outline 2-3 concrete changes you want to make based on your notes. How will you go about them and what resources do you need?
  3. Start here: Create SMART goals for your Fall course planning process.
    Level-up: Make calendar reminders for yourself to work on certain course planning tasks and block out working times. Do you need an accountability buddy? Reach out to a colleague!

Of course, preparing for another semester includes many more steps but the ones we’ve outlined won’t break the time bank and your future self will thank you for this solid start. If you want to step up your planning game yet another degree, here are some more things to consider:

  • If you are teaching a new class in the Fall and want guidance and accountability for the course design process, sign up for the online Course Design Academy (June 3-30, 2024).
  • Set up a consultation with a CTL consultant to ask questions, brainstorm ideas, etc.
  • Check out these resources to design a syllabus that students can appreciate.
  • Are you thinking about using Open Educational Resources (OER)? Check out Open Educational Resources at Boise State page to learn more.