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Teaching Spotlight: Paul Simmonds

In this Teaching Spotlight, Paul Simmonds, Physics Associate Professor in the Micron School of Materials Science & Engineering talks about the Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) approach and how to implement it into your classroom. JiTT is a teaching and learning strategy that aims to support the use of active learning in class and to prepare students adequately for class time. In doing so, students engage in a pre-class activity (e.g., reading a text, watching a movie, listening to a podcast), and submit responses to this activity (e.g., answer guiding questions, write a reflection, create a visual). The responses are turned in before class and the instructor uses this information to address students’ needs and interests. Simmonds has used this approach for many years, and in this video he shares tips and tricks about how you can incorporate JiTT into your teaching.