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Step 3: Prepare Proposal

The Research Development team provides proposal development and strategic and tactical support, where we tailor the below support, services, and resources based on project complexity, scale, and scope.

  1. Timelines, Checklists, and Folder Structures —These organizational tools are designed to help proposing teams stay organized and on track to  meet proposal submission deadlines. We recommend utilizing these tools for complex, multidisciplinary, and large in-scope proposals.
  2. Templates —Our office develops templates for key components of proposals, such as narratives, facilities documents, and letters. These templates are tailored to meet specific solicitation requirements. Additionally, we standardize text for supplementary documents such as Facilities and Resources. Utilize these templates to help you streamline the writing process and position your proposal for success.
  3. Proposal Review —We offer proposal reviews at any stage. For preliminary drafts, we provide comments on focus, organization, and the development of ideas to position your proposal for success. For near-final drafts, we focus on effectiveness, impact, and clarity while ensuring consistency across sections and multiple authors, and helping to condense text and/or eliminate redundancies. Our goal in reviewing is to help align your proposal to the solicitation and ensure you are meeting the funder’s intentions.
  4. Logic Models —Logic models demonstrate your theory of change in a succinct and clear fashion and provide the opportunity to articulate your intended impact. They are often a required component of proposals. We can help guide your team through the development of a logic model and think through your resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts.
  5. Broader Impacts, Broadening Participation, Education Plans and Inclusion Plans —We can consult, review, and provide feedback on writing these documents and including these components in your proposals.
  6. Graphic Support —We can provide strategic feedback on figure content, placement, and usage in grant proposals. We can also connect you with a graphic designer to develop figures.
  7. Team Science Support —We can provide Team Science resources, training, and facilitation for large, campus-wide initiatives.

Reach out to to set up a time to meet with us or view our Staff Directory to get started.