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Resource Nexus for Sustainability 2023 Full Request for Funding


APRIL 14, 2023 at 5pm MT


Submitting a Full Request for Funding is the second step in the process of applying for Resource Nexus for Sustainability (RNS) funding.

Eligible applicants invited to apply include:

  • Only Project Pitch applicants invited to apply are eligible
  • The principle investigator must be employed at Boise State


Full requests for funding will be reviewed by the RNS team. Applicants will be notified of award status by May 15, 2023 and will be given application submission instructions.

Requirements include:

  • Interdisciplinary teams
  • Student engagement
  • Project description and scope of work
  • Documentation for how the project was co-developed with community partners
  • Dissemination strategy (i.e., how will you share your findings with others in the field, with community partners, and more broadly to society).
  • Budget and budget justification approval by Boise State’s Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) pre-award


Applicants must adhere to the following instructions. Failure to follow the instructions will result in an ineligible application.

Title page

  • Project title
  • Names and affiliations of all participants (interdisciplinary teams required).
  • Total requested budget: Total amount of resources requested
  • Project summary: A concise description of the project (200 word limit)

Project Narrative

No more than 8 pages single-space in 12-point, Times New Roman font with one inch margins. Each of the following must be included in an order best suited for the applicant.

  • Problem Statement
  • Research Objectives/Questions
  • Interdisciplinary Approach/Methodology
  • Participant Roles and Responsibilities
  • Deliverables, Outcomes, and Significance/Impact
  • Dissemination of Results
  • Project Assessment or Evaluation Plan
  • Strategic Next Steps
  • Project Timeline

Additional Materials

  • One page partnership plan detailing how the team will work effectively together.
  • Three-page biographical sketch of Boise State investigators (following NSF guidelines)
  • One page bio/resume/CV of community partner(s)
  • Budget (must be reviewed by OSP)
  • Budget justification (must be reviewed by OSP)


All budgets and budget justifications must be checked by OSP pre-award before submission.

  • Summer salary or course buy-outs for tenure-track faculty (based on department guidelines)
  • Salary support for non-tenure track faculty or staff
  • Student support (e.g., hiring as research assistants)
  • Travel
  • Workshop costs
  • Publication costs
  • Conference travel
  • Funds to support community partners who bring expertise or activities outside of the capacity of  Boise State


The Implementation Group will be reviewing the applications and making funding recommendations to the RNS Team and Boise State’s Vice President of Research who will collectively determine funding recipients.

The application will evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Problem Statement. Clarity of problem identified, relevance of the problem being addressed in a broad scope of regional/local challenges regarding the environment, social equity, and the economy.
  • Research Objectives/Questions: Clear articulation of the objectives of the proposed project. Research questions based on literature and practice.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach/Methodology: Clear description of interdisciplinary work to be undertaken is linked with the objectives/research questions. Likelihood of success using the proposed methodology is supported by sound research design sound for addressing the proposed problem, are the appropriate partners engaged, etc.).
  • Participant Roles and Responsibilities: Boise State team and community partners are both involved throughout the project. Roles are these clearly defined and appropriately supported by the resource request. Involvement of students is clearly articulated and includes a proposed number/type of students engaged and how the impacts on the students will be measured.
  • Deliverables, Outcome(s), and Significance/Impact: Deliverables are identifiable in the given timeline. Expected deliverables, outcomes, and impact are aligned with the proposed work. Outcomes are defined, measurable, and reasonable given the scope of the project. Outcomes have the potential to create systemic and lasting change (impact). Each have clear links to supporting environmental responsibility, economic prosperity, and social well-being.
  • Dissemination of Results: Proposal identifies how the team will share the results of the project inside and outside of academia including to the scientific community, community partners, and the general public.