Course and Instructor Policies and Procedures
NACEP Accreditation
Boise State’s Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) is accredited through the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP). NACEP works to ensure that college courses offered by high school instructors are as rigorous as courses offered on college campuses, such as Boise State, and that all postsecondary concurrent enrollment programs adhere to high standards.
NACEP works alongside Boise State to provide the highest standards so students experience a seamless transition to college and instructors benefit from meaningful, ongoing professional development.
The Idaho State Board of Education adopted the NACEP accrediting standards for all Idaho concurrent enrollment program. The Boise State CEP strictly adheres to NACEP policies and procedures.
Student Code of Conduct – Academic Honesty
The Student Code of Conduct and the processes of its administration and enforcement serve to maintain the standards of the university community. This community extends to high school concurrent enrollment classrooms. The university may impose disciplinary sanctions against students when their conduct significantly interferes with the educational objectives of Boise State and its members. Read the Student Code of Conduct for details on misconduct reports.
Boise State Curriculum Used for Concurrent Enrollment Courses
An instructor may not teach the same class/section for multiple institutions. The high school and approved instructor teaching for Boise State agree to adopt the Boise State curriculum for the Concurrent Enrollment course. By adopting the Boise State curriculum, it verifies that Boise State owns the course. This complies with Boise State policy and NACEP accreditation requirements.
As long as the Boise State curriculum is being taught, teachers have the academic freedom to add more content to their course. In a few cases, schools may combine AP and Concurrent Enrollment courses in the same class. Students will choose to sign up to earn credits through Boise State or to take the AP test offered in May.
Syllabus Requirements
Instructors are required to submit an updated class syllabus by email to their faculty liaison and the Concurrent Enrollment Office annually before school starts. This ensures the academic department and the CEP have the latest curriculum changes on file. This is a requirement for NACEP accreditation and ensures accessibility for students and other institutions when requested.
- “Student Code of Conduct – Please note that high school students are held to the same student standards found in the Boise State University Student Code of Conduct, which can be viewed at Definitions of cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty as well as policies and procedures for handling such cases are included.”
Student Course Evaluations
To comply with Boise State policy and NACEP accreditation, all students have the opportunity to evaluate their Boise State course and instructor. Course evaluations are instrumental in allowing the Boise State Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) to improve each year. Student evaluations are administered online via Blue. Access the Blue Course Evaluation System here.
Before evaluations begin, instructors need to verify class rosters to confirm accurate student enrollment. Notify the CEP immediately to request student drops. View instructions on how to view class rosters here.
In order to complete course evaluations, students will need their Boise State ID number and username. Instructors can find this information on their class rosters under “contact information.” The username is the first part of the student email address (everything prior to the domain).
Students can also contact the Concurrent Enrollment Office for their username and ID number. View Concurrent Enrollment contact information here.
Course Evaluation Periods for 2023-2024
Please notify students and post course evaluation periods on the syllabus to encourage students to participate. View course evaluation periods by term on our Dates and Deadlines webpage.
Evaluations will close at 10 p.m. on the final day of the evaluation period.
Student Response Rates
The CEP needs instructors to encourage students to complete evaluations, as a significant response rate is important. To view student participation, log on to the Blue course evaluation system to track response rates for your course(s). Students will receive an email confirmation after they fill out their evaluations. Please have them forward this confirmation email to you or have them print it off for your records.
Please reach out to the Concurrent Enrollment Program for ideas to increase student participation:
Review Course Evaluations
After final grades are submitted, instructors can view course evaluation results through Blue. Results will remain accessible on Blue by term and can be saved electronically. The results will be available to the instructor, faculty liaison, and the Concurrent Enrollment Office.
For evaluations or class roster assistance, contact the Boise State Help Desk: or (208) 426-4357.
Faculty Liaison Classroom Observations
Boise State faculty liaisons conduct classroom observations to review curriculum alignment and student assessments and to provide academic support. Faculty Liaisons may conduct classroom observations in-person or virtually. The faculty liaison will provide an observation summary report to the instructor.
Helpful tips on how to prepare for the faculty classroom observation:
- Contact the faculty liaison to schedule the observation.
- Provide the faculty liaison with the current course syllabus before the observation.
- Provide the faculty liaison with a summary outline of the lesson they will observe.
- Provide the faculty liaison with student sample work, activities, or assignments for review during the observation.
- If your observation is conducted in-person, remind the faculty liaison to check in at the front office of your high school.
Boise State University Concurrent Enrollment Non-Compliance Policy
The following information is meant to provide guidelines for both Concurrent Enrollment instructors and faculty liaisons to address issues of program noncompliance.
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor Requirements
In order to be compliant, Concurrent Enrollment high school instructors are required to use Boise State course syllabi, approved textbooks, curriculum and assessments. Instructors must demonstrate college professionalism in classroom management and rigor. Additionally, Concurrent Enrollment instructors must complete the following responsibilities annually:
- Provide a current course syllabus to the Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) for each class offered. The high school syllabus must align with the syllabus from the course offered on-campus.
- Attend annual professional development provided by their academic department in partnership with the designated faculty liaison.
- Facilitate student course evaluations for year-long and semester classes.
- Work with the designated faculty liaison to schedule classroom observation visits.
All of these requirements are meant to ensure the quality of classes offered by the CEP. If the requirements listed in this section are not met annually, the faculty liaison or CEP director will take the necessary steps to ensure the instructor is in compliance. If the instructor does not make an effort to correct the problem, the instructor will no longer be approved to teach for the Concurrent Enrollment Program.
As additional situations arise, procedures will be revised to address them in a collaborative manner. When changes must be implemented due to noncompliance, the CEP will provide as much lead time as possible to avoid disruption in high school schedules.
Resolving Quality Concerns (Non-Compliance)
In the case where a Concurrent Enrollment instructor fails to meet the annual CEP requirements, the following steps will be taken:
- The designated faculty liaison or CEP director will outline concerns with the CEP instructor and set a reasonable time for the instructor to address concerns and come into compliance. All communication should include the CEP director to document actions being taken by both parties.
- If concerns are not corrected within a reasonable time (i.e., one semester), the faculty liaison will inform the CEP director of the concerns regarding the CEP offering so that he/she can contact the high school and/or school district administrator.
If these steps do not correct compliance concerns, the CEP director and faculty liaison will co-write a letter to the CEP instructor and school district administrator identifying specific items of noncompliance and concern. The letter documenting the noncompliance issues will contain the following key points:
- Include a specific date by which the noncompliance items need to be addressed or corrected. Include the consequences of not correcting noncompliance items by this date.
- Include a place for dated signatures of the CEP instructor, faculty liaison and CEP director.
- Request that follow-up discussions are held with the appropriate parties on the noncompliance items.
Once the letter has been sent, the CEP faculty liaison or director will follow up with the CEP instructor to see if they have addressed and corrected the issues included in the letter before the stated deadline. Future course proposals may be denied if the noncompliance items addressed in the letter are not corrected.
Procedure to Discontinue a Concurrent Enrollment Course
Changing or discontinuing a course that is offered for concurrent enrollment impacts our partners in public education. However, a CEP course may be discontinued for the following reasons:
- Curriculum changes within Boise State courses or programs.
- Changes in credential requirements for high school instructors.
- Concerns over the quality of instruction or rigor in the concurrent enrollment class.
Curriculum changes in Boise State courses or programs.
In the case of curriculum changes to Boise State courses or programs, the following steps will be taken:
- The faculty liaison will inform the CEP director of the proposed changes that require discontinuance of the concurrent enrollment course offering.
- The CEP director will contact the high school and/or school district administrators as soon as possible to inform them of the curriculum change.
- Boise State will continue to grant credit for the CEP course in question through the duration of the existing school year.
- The CEP will provide support, such as timely notification and professional development, and allow sufficient time to implement the change to assist high school instructors in adjusting to the impact of discontinuance of the course.
Changes in credential requirements for high school instructor.
In the case of changes in CEP instructor credential requirements for the concurrent enrollment course offered, the following steps will be taken:
- The designated faculty liaison will inform the CEP director of the new credential requirements.
- The CEP director will inform the CEP instructor, high school and/or school district administrators as soon as possible so that changes may be made within the time limit established by the academic department.
- Boise State will continue to grant credit for the CEP course in question through the duration of the existing school year.
- The CEP will provide assistance to CEP instructors to work toward meeting new requirements including providing training and/or CEP scholarship funds for course work and materials to earn credentials needed to teach the course.
Concerns over the quality of instruction or rigor in the concurrent enrollment class.
In the case of concerns over the quality of instruction, the following steps will be taken to enable the CEP instructor to address the concerns of the Boise State academic department. It is intended that instructional issues be addressed on a case-by-case basis, with the goal of assisting the CEP instructor to correct the problems.
- The faculty liaison will document concerns observed using the CEP Classroom Observation Summary during a site visit.
- The faculty liaison will discuss the concerns with the CEP instructor and set a reasonable time to address the concerns and correct the problems.
- The faculty liaison will provide written feedback or guidelines on the changes they want to see implemented by the CEP instructor to supplement the CEP Classroom Observation Summary.
- If the concerns are not corrected within a reasonable time (i.e., one semester), the faculty liaison will inform the CEP director of the concerns regarding the concurrent enrollment offering.
- The CEP director will contact the CEP instructor and/or school district to inform them of concerns.
- If the previous steps do not resolve concerns of the CEP faculty liaison, the CEP director and faculty liaison will co-write a letter to inform the CEP instructor that the CEP course will be discontinued.
Long-Term Absences by Instructors of Concurrent Enrollment Courses
Instructors who are absent from the concurrent enrollment class more than five consecutive teaching days and need a substitute must notify the Concurrent Enrollment Program and their department faculty liaison.
When a long-term substitute is hired by the school district, they must have equivalent qualifications and department approval for long-term instruction.
If a substitute with equivalent qualifications is not found to continue teaching the concurrent enrollment class, it will be canceled.