Emphasis in Data Science
B.S. Mechanical Engineering
M.S. Mechanical Engineering
I have previously developed a computational model to predict joint mechanics in the implanted knee, and my Ph.D. work is supported through the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program. I am currently working on developing a computational framework with the potential to transform how clinicians make patient-specific diagnosis and treatment decisions about osteoarthritis. Critical project milestones include:
- Expanding and incorporating existing automated image segmentation algorithms into a pipeline which will allow us to automate production of patient-specific finite element (FE) models of the arthritic knee using only magnetic resonance (MR) images as inputs
- Using the automatic model production pipeline to produce a training set of knee models, I will develop FE independent statistical models that can instantaneously predict output joint mechanics in the degrading knee joint to provide meaningful feedback in the clinical setting
- Development of a graphical user interface with feedback from current medical students in Idaho which will enable the proactive evaluation of OA treatment options on a patient-specific basis If that sounded interesting to you, you should check out some of the other work we do in Boise State’s Computational Biosciences Laboratory