Volunteer Opportunities
Sign up to volunteer for commencement support any day between Thursday, May 8 – Saturday, May 10. We need as many volunteers as we can get to make sure commencement is a success.
Faculty Participation
Faculty are encouraged to attend the ceremony and participate in the processional. For the appropriate representation of the faculty, a minimum of 33% of each department should be present at each graduation ceremony.
Faculty Participation Form Here
Faculty Commencement Logistics
Check-In at the Bronco Gym:
- 9 a.m ceremony – (COBE, COEN) check-in at 8:15 a.m.
- 2 p.m. ceremony – (COHS, SPS, COED) check-in at 1:15 p.m.
- 7 p.m. ceremony – (COAS, CID) check-in at 6:15 p.m.
Please enter the building at the entrance directly across from Lobby 2 of ExtraMile Arena. A parking map is included to show where free parking and shuttle service are available. Further ceremony instructions will be provided after checking in.
The ceremony will last approximately 2 hours. At the conclusion of the ceremony, staff will provide recessional instructions.
Regalia Rental
Regalia can be rented through Jostens. The deadline to rent regalia is Monday, March 31. Items must be returned to the Bronco Shop no later than Wednesday, May 14.
Faculty or Volunteer Questions?
Please contact commencement@boisestate.edu via email. Visit the FAQs page for the latest updates.