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Special Accommodations

Accommodations for guests or participants with disabilities are available and are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Wheelchair Assistance

For this event, the top row of seats on the parquet level will be signed/reserved for guests with accessible seating needs; available on a first-come/first-served basis. Please be mindful when choosing a seat. If you or a member of your party sit in this top row but don’t have an accessible seating need, please be advised that you may be relocated.

Elevators are located in the lobby of entrances 1 or 2 of the ExtraMile Arena. Guests who are unable to walk a long distance may be dropped off in front of the Arena.

Guest Services staff wheelchair escorts are available at any entry point for transportation to and from seating areas. Arena wheelchairs must remain available to escort all guests who request this assistance, please work with staff if help in finding a seat for the duration of the event is necessary.

Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices are available in lobby 2 for guests who need access to this service. Upon entry, ask a Guest Service staff member for a device. Headsets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be prepared to leave a driver’s license or other photo ID to check out the headset. Your ID will be given back when the unit is returned.

American Sign Language Interpretation

A limited number of seats in section 18 will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for guests accessing American Sign Language interpretation. If a member of your party sits in this area but does not have an interpretation need, please be advised that they may be relocated to accommodate other guests needing interpretation services.

Spanish Interpretation

Listening devices for Spanish interpretation will be available in lobby 2 for guests who need access to this service. Upon entry, ask a Guest Service staff member for a device. Headsets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be prepared to leave a driver’s license or other photo ID to check out the headset. Your ID will be given back when the unit is returned.


Please notify the commencement committee at at least two weeks prior to the ceremony. Special arrangements will be made for graduates for all activities associated with commencement.