There are many different components to safety training in the College of Engineering, including a variety of types of online training, hands-on training in the lab, and classroom training. The following table will provide an overview of what training is recommended or required by various groups that work or study here in COEN.
Safety Guides And Training
College of Engineering Emergency Response Guide
The COEN Emergency Response Guide is a both a training document and a real-time reference document to be accessed in the event of an emergency. The guide borrows significant content from the Boise State Emergency Response Guide where possible. However, the guide was written specifically to suit the needs and activities of the College of Engineering. Thus, you will find contact information, building evacuation maps, AED location, etc that is relevant to those who work and study in the College of Engineering.
Lab Safety Manual
Lab Safety Manuals provide lab-specific information on safety training, engineering and administrative controls to promote safety for the activities and processes of the lab. Lab safety manuals are both a training tool and are available in hard-copy in the lab safety notebooks within each lab. All research and teaching labs are to have lab safety manuals.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are an important tool in ensuring lab tasks are conducted in a safe and rigorous manner. SOPs should provide information on the “technical” aspects of a particular task while also providing important safety information on protective personal equipment (PPE), engineering controls and administrative controls needed. SOPs should be developed as stand-alone documents, and be found in their own binder. SOP templates, and examples.
EHSS Lab Safety Training Class
Within the first week or two of each semester, EHSS will provide one or more lab safety classes. This class is a general class intended for a relatively diverse audience of lab workers across the campus. Nonetheless, this class is very worthwhile and it is recommended that every PI require their research staff to attend at least one of these sessions.
CPR, AED, First Aid
CPR, AED and First Aid training is provided at the Rec Center. Having a population of CPR, AED and First Aid trained people serves to provide a solid foundation for a safe environment in the College
CPR and AED certification must be renewed annually while first aid certification lasts 3 years. The class is broken into a morning class of CPR-AED class and an afternoon class for First Aid.
Contact the Rec Center front desk at 426-5664 to learn more about signing up, or visit the Rec Center website to register for an open class. Faculty and staff typically are able to take classes at a discounted rate or fees may be waived entirely.
Please contact the COEN Safety Liaison if you have any questions or comments relating to safety in the college or content on this website.
Also, the Boise State Rec Center offers custom courses to train your staff, department, or organization. To schedule they will need two weeks’ notice and a class size between 8 and 12 participants. Visit their website to register or contact them at 426-4307.