Past Project Examples
Skew Box

Laser cut plastic box attached to existing shaker table. It is secured to the modular support arm designed and built to support a variety of future projects. The box is connected to modular strap clamps that allow flexibility to fit the bolt pattern on the shaker table. The two parallel inner walls translate vertically when the shaker table oscillates.
This design project specialized in mechanical design and fabrication.
Linear Load Frame

Linear load frame that uses Raspberry Pi and Arduino to control a motor. The motor applies a horizontal load to a vertical sample at 1mm/minute while measuring force on a load cell. Metal soil tank designed and fabricated to accommodate the vertical sample. Designed using existing lab equipment including data acquisition system.
This project utilized mechanical and electrical design, control system programming, and metal fabrication.
Fish Feeder

Mechanical and electrical system designed to feed individual tanks. Feeding schedule managed through a website hosted on a Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi communicates independent feeding schedule to multiple Arduinos. Feeding brackets designed around constraints of the fish tank holders.
This project utilized mechanical and electrical design, system programming, and 3-D printing fabrication.
Heat Press Mold

Hybrid aluminum mold design for plastic mold making. Modified previous design to increase durability of mold while maintaining the benefits of using aluminum. Uses Heli-coils to reinforce aluminum threads and counter sunk steel alloy bolts to protect aluminum when splitting the mold open after use.
This project included design for manufacturability and machine fabrication.