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Research At A Glance

Welcome to the Boise State College of Engineering Research at a Glance. To prompt collaboration, we offer concise and useful information in one place about each college researcher and team.

For centralized research support for the campus and region, see the Core Facilities & Services page.

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Research Funders

Click arrows to see funder lists.


Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Army Research Office (ARO), Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Education (ED), Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of the Interior (Interior), Department of Transportation (DOT), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), National Aeronautic and Space Administration Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NASA EPSCoR), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), National Security Agency (NSA), National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Naval Research (ONR), U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)


Boeing, Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES), Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE; source funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Space Grant Consortium (ISGC; source funding from NASA), Micron Technology, the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust, the NIH Institutional Development Award (IDeA)—funding both the Idaho IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) and Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) programs, Pilgrim Africa

In Boise & the State of Idaho

City of Boise, Department of Commerce (ID DOC), Department of Education (ID ED), Higher Education Research Council (HERC), Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM), Secretary of State, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Action Center, State Board of Education, Transportation Department (ITD), Workforce Development Council

Research Locations

We conduct research across nine Boise State campus locations. To get there, search by code or name at the Campus Map. Locations include: City Center Plaza (CCP) and the U.S. Bank Building next door (U.S. Bank); Charles P. Ruch Engineering (RUCH); the Environmental Research Building (ERB); Harry Morrison Civil Engineering (HML); the Micron Center for Materials Research (MCMR); the Micron Engineering Center (MEC); the Multipurpose Classroom Building (MPCB), and the Yanke Family Research Park (YFRB).

Research Areas & Labs

Scroll by school or department, or use the Jump to Section links.

Computer Science

The department maintains this research overview.

Research Area or Lab Location Contact
Artificial Intelligence-based Security Lab U.S. Bank Edoardo Serra,
Francesca Spezzano
Computer Graphics and Visualization Group CCP Steven Cutchin
Computing and Artificial Intelligence Lab for Physical Sciences CCP Min Long
Cybersecurity for Cyber-physical Systems Lab CCP Huadi Zhu
Data Security-preserving Computing Lab CCP Jyh-haw Yeh
Human-computer Interaction and Kidsteam Lab CCP Jerry Alan Fails

Idaho Election Cybersecurity Center CCP Hoda Mehrpouyan
Information Security, Privacy, and Mining Lab CCP Gaby Dagher
Performant, Intelligent, Scalable Computing with Evolving Systems Lab CCP Jianshu Liu
Privacy and Industrial Control Systems Security Lab

CCP Hoda Mehrpouyan
Program Analysis for Software Verification CCP Elena Sherman
Software Engineering and Analytics Lab

CCP Nasir Eisty
Speech, Language & Interactive Machines Group MEC Casey Kennington
Trustworthy and Robust Artificial Intelligence Lab MEC Jun Zhuang

Construction Management is in the RUCH facility. Anthony Perrenoud directs this multi-institutional group that conducts and applies research to promote the construction industry, educate its workers, and attract future workers.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

The department maintains this research overview.

Research Area or Lab Location Contact
Applied Magnetics and Photonics Laboratory RUCH Karthik Srinivasan
Biomedical Imaging Research Laboratory RUCH Neal K. Bangerter
Electronic and Neuromorphic Devices and Systems Lab

MEC Kurtis Cantley
Electronics and Natural Sciences Research Lab MEC Kris Campbell
Hartman Systems Integration Lab MEC Sin Ming Loo
Heterogeneous and Memory-centric Computing Lab MEC Purab Sutradhar
High Performance Systems on Reconfigurable Chips MEC Nader Rafla
Integrated Bioelectronic Medicine Lab MEC Benjamin Johnson
Low-Power Integrated Circuits and Embedded Systems Laboratory MEC Omiya Hassan
Plasma and Vacuum Electron Devices Lab MEC Jim Browning
Power Research Lab MEC Said Ahmed-Zaid, Emeritus Faculty
Sensors for Agriculture and the Environment (SAGE) MEC Carol Baumbauer
Smart Energy and Control Systems MEC Eklas Hossain
Translational NeuroTechnology Lab MEC Omid Yaghmazadeh Starts January 2025
Transport Characterization Lab MCMR, RUCH Kurtis Cantley, David Estrada (MMSE)

Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering

The department maintains this research overview. The College of Health Sciences Center for Orthopaedic & Biomechanics Research (PI Tyler Brown) is affiliated, and several faculty members share equipment.

Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning

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