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About Print-A-Punch

Description: The Print-A-PunchTM is an economical tool that cuts dumbbell-shaped coupons from soft materials for mechanical tensile testing. This patented device uses 3D printed parts in combination with standard hardware and replaceable flexible razors.

Publication: For additional information on the development of the Print-A-Punch, including the dimensional accuracy of this device,  please see our publication in the Journal of Biomechanics, “Print-A-Punch: A 3D Printed Device to Cut Dumbbell-Shaped Specimens from Soft Tissue for Tensile Testing“. If you use Print-A-Punch in your research, please cite this publication!

print a punch

Build Your Own!

Three sizes of the Print-A-Punch are free to print, assemble, and use for non-commercial purposes. You’ll need to complete the form below to download the .STL files required to 3D print the punch. Please also review the instruction manual and video tutorials on how to build and use the Print-A-Punch device properly and safely.

coupon dimensions for the three punch sizes that you can freely download

Instruction Manual

Video Tutorial (Punch – How to Assemble and Use)

Video Tutorial (Cutting Guide – How to Assemble and Use)

Print-A-Punch STL Files Download Form

Please fill out this form to download the STL files for Print-A-Punch.



You can find legacy versions of the Print-A-Punch on the archive page.


If you have any questions or would like to report any problems, please contact We’d love to hear from you!