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Community Outreach & Recruitment

students building a STEM project

For many Boise State students, their interest in engineering and technology was sparked by participating in a fun and engaging activity before they enrolled in college. This is why we are dedicated to bringing engineering exploration to students of all ages in our community. We partner with industry and educators to create interactive learning activities that connect students with engineers and computer scientists so they can learn first-hand the connection between, engineering, technology, the power of computing and our quality of life.

Events for Students

Find summer camps and campus visit options that allow students to learn more about what opportunities exist in the College of Engineering!

eGirls Summer Camp

E-Girls is a free overnight program for girls currently in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade in June. Enrollment is limited to 50 girls. Workshops have been led by Society of Women Engineers professionals and college students that may include: Biomechanics of Footwear, Packaging and the Environment, Physics of Rock Climbing/Rope Walking, etc. Each year is different!

Learn More about eGirls Summer Camp

Request a COEN Tour

Tour our College and meet students from all engineering disciplines.

Request a COEN Tour Now

FIRST Robotics Team #5871 – The Chickadees

The Chickadees, FRC Team 5871, are a girl-founded FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC) team sponsored by the Boise State University College of Engineering.  The Chickadees are an inclusive team that is open to all genders, races, ethnicities, and abilities.  We aim to inspire future generations in STEM by ensuring that all members take an active role in team leadership and all aspects of building the robot and running the team. This team was founded, in part, to inspire girls to enter STEM fields where they have historically been underrepresented.

Learn More about The Chickadees