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Hands-On Learning

Here are some ways you can gain hands-on experience that will prepare you for your future career before you graduate from Boise State!

Internships, on-campus jobs, and undergraduate research are important aspect of our commitment to experiential learning in the College of Engineering. These opportunities allow students the opportunity to obtain relevant work experience prior to graduation. This experience helps students remain competitive when seeking full-time jobs or pursuing graduate research opportunities.

Learn about COEN Student Opportunities

Internships and Post-Graduate Job Opportunities

Over 80% of COEN undergraduates work in research labs or have internships before graduating. This has led to over 70% of graduates securing post-graduate plans within six months of graduating, including 10% continuing their pursuit of graduate degrees.

Internships for COEN Students

Check out our personalized feed of paid internship opportunities available to COEN students seeking internships for the school year or the summer.

Post-Graduate Jobs for COEN Students

Check out our personalized job feed for COEN students looking for jobs after graduation.

Search all Available Jobs

Search for part-time jobs on and off campus, internships, and post-graduation career positions.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Additional Research Opportunities

Additional Research Opportunities through:

Spring 2024 HERC

Apply by November 17 – All STEM majors.

LOUIS STOKES ALLIANCE FOR MINORITY PARTICIPATION (LSAMP) – provides LSAMP-eligible students with a $2,500 stipend to conduct research with a faculty member at Boise State University for 10 weeks, 20 hours per week, during the summer.


Three students stand next to equipment in studio\Blu

studio\Blu is a consortium between the Boise State’s Colleges of Engineering, Business & Economics, TechHelp, Venture, and Industry partners. The studio\Blu concept was born to expand the capabilities of all the founding entities in order to offer more and better services to a wider range of customers. Our unique structure of students, experienced professional, and partners provides a pathway for the entrepreneurial spirit to cultivate ideas into viable businesses and facilitate economic vibrancy.

  • Engineering Innovation Studio: As our technical society becomes more digital, modern engineering students must balance complex theory in lecture courses with an opportunity to realize creativity in a real-world fabrication space. Our students now have over 1,000 hours of access to equipment, software, and trained personnel to help them master their skills.This space is filled with state-of-the-art equipment to allow students to develop machining skills!

Learn about the Engineering Innovation Studio

New Product Development Lab: Supports product development across all stages from concept to launch for startups, entrepreneurs to large companies needing help.

  • Prototyping
  • Product evaluation and refinement
  • Product test
  • Engineering analysis
  • Preparation for manufacturing

Learn about the New Product Development Lab