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Career Discovery

We have compiled career discovery resources meant to help COEN students be successful as they prepare for:

  • Interviews
  • Internships
  • Post-Graduate Jobs
  • Undergraduate Research
  • Job Fairs, and more!
Meet Leandra Aburusa

Job Search and Interview Resources

Make an appointment with Leandra, our Career Coach, to get help with:

  • Resumes
  • Cover Letters
  • Mock Interviews
  • LinkedIn/Handshake Profile Setup
  • Networking
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Hands-On Learning

Here are some ways you can gain hands-on experience that will prepare you for your future career before you graduate from Boise State!

Discover Opportunities

Jobs for COEN Students

Discover the latest in what jobs are available for COEN students on Handshake!

Jumpstart your career today.

Find a Job

Paid Internships for COEN Students

It’s never too early to start thinking about your career, and an internship is one of the most critical steps in that journey.

Find an Internship

Networking Opportunities

Learn about ways for COEN students to connect with employers, faculty, staff, alumni and current students!

Find Ways to Connect!
Get Involved

Student Leadership Opportunities

Join the COEN Ambassador Program, find a club or an organization, and more.