The Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research (ICUR) is a multifaceted, multicultural event held every summer on campus at Boise State University. The ICUR makes research accessible, interactive, and fun for students and participants. Undergraduate students of diverse backgrounds and disciplines gather to present the results of their original research in poster presentations to faculty, the public, and their peers from across the country. This high-intensity two-day event also focuses on integrating educators to promote student learning in K-12 and higher education.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Materials for Energy and Sustainability participants look forward to presenting their summer research at the ICUR each year. This is the first opportunity for many undergraduate students to present their work in a professional setting. Presenting at the ICUR allows students to gain experience participating in a comprehensive scientific conference. Students fine-tune their presentation skills, network with the scientific community, and attend professional development workshops.
Virtual Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024